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"but" deliver us from evil

First and foremost, the phrase ' lead us not' is a construction seen in poetry, not in prose. In the language of conventional prose, the Verse would be constructed as : " Do not lead us into ...
Kadalikatt Joseph Sibichan's user avatar
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"but" deliver us from evil

Wouldn't it be more clear if said like this: "And do not allow us to yield to temptation AND deliver us from evil"?
I love cats I just love cats's user avatar
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What is the spiritual significance of the "early and latter rain" mentioned in James 5:7?

Agricultural YearThe meteorological calendar of Israel (N.T. Judea) is very interesting. But there are a few bits of information that must be learned. The nomenclature is different in different ...
ray grant's user avatar
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Does Jesus condemn the death penalty in Matthew 5:38-39? If not, what did he mean?

No, he was not condemning the death penalty. For a start, his words were addressed to his small band of followers. He was not speaking to either the religious or the secular leaders of the nation. He ...
Anne's user avatar
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