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  • Member for 12 years, 10 months
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22 votes

What does the prohibition against women speaking in church in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 mean?

19 votes

Why is Hadēs translated as "hell"?

17 votes

What is the proper translation of Hosea 11:12?

16 votes

In Luke 1:62 it states they made signs for Zechariah but he could hear just not speak so why make signs?

16 votes

Which 'modern' English translation of the Bible is considered the 'closest' or most accurate translation?

14 votes

Is 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 an interpolation?

14 votes

What language are people translating the Bible from?

13 votes

What is the difference between "eretz" and "adamah" in Gen 2:6?

12 votes

Pre-Christian, Jewish interpretation of Psalm 22

12 votes

Who are the prostitutes in Deuteronomy 23:18?

12 votes

Herod The Fox: Luke 13-32

11 votes

Does John distinguish between terms for love?

11 votes

Do English Translations of the New Testament Show a Negative Bias Towards Translating 'Tradition'?

11 votes

Why is the genealogy in Luke attributed to Mary?

11 votes

Are there any rules on which things in Revelation must be interpreted literally and which symbolically?

11 votes

Who are the 144,000 sealed in Revelation 7?

10 votes

What does John 12:40 mean?

10 votes

Why is Jer 10:11 written in Aramaic?

10 votes

What evidence is there that "morphe theou" in Philippians 2:6 means "God's nature"?

10 votes

In John 3:16, is the word believe a continous action for everlasting life?

9 votes

Was Jesus raised 'for our justification' or 'because of' it?

9 votes

What can we infer about archangel(s) from the text of the Bible?

9 votes

Let The Dead Bury The Dead

9 votes

Contextually, which English translation/ Greek text seems more probable in Rev. 5:10?

9 votes

In 1 Kings 17:4-6 is Elijah fed by ravens or Arabians?

9 votes

Why is the blind man in John 9 sent to the pool that means "sent"?

8 votes

To whom did God subject everything in Hebrews 2:8?

8 votes

I will raise you up at the last day

8 votes

Natural disaster at Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:24?

8 votes

What does λῃστής [= lēstēs] mean in Mark 11:17?