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What happened to the fire on the altar during the breaking up of the camp in the wilderness?

Firstly I post this as guidance towards the glory of God and with love to all who are following Jesus. There are many questions, some seem small and others for a time seem to block our way but with ...
Mark's user avatar
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Why was Ishbosheth absent from the battle that killed Saul and his brothers?

Well, first of all I would like to say that in fact the Bible provides little more evidence than what you are probably already used to in this context. But in truth, perhaps this same lack of ...
L. Rodrigues's user avatar
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Daniel 7:4 noun antecedent

Dottard and Jason have explained the translation well. Regarding interpretation, we need to look at the context and note that Daniel has other prophecies of a similar nature which are explicitly tied ...
user111403's user avatar
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Daniel 7:4 noun antecedent

Daniel 7:4 ESV - The first was like a lion and had eagles' wings. Then as I looked its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man, and the ...
Jason_'s user avatar
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Daniel 7:4 noun antecedent

Here is my literal translation of Dan 7:4 - First - like a lion and wings of an eagle; I watched until its wings were plucked off and was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Can we determine from the text/context in what language Peter preached his sermon at Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41)?

After reading some of the comments here. I believe there is some erroneous understandings here. Concerning tongues. When the 120 were her God in many Different tongues. People from 14 different ...
David J Jr. Wireback's user avatar
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Why was Ham the only one among Noah's three sons who had a land named after him. Psalm 105:23

The phrase “the land of Ham” is no endorsement of Ham but speaks to the kind of troubles God’s people had first with Ham then in like manner later with Egypt. Ham, the father of Canaan (Genesis 9:22), ...
Gregory Steinke's user avatar
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The Scapegoat and the Scarlet Wool - Epistle of Barnabas

This will not answer the question but simply supply what is known (or unknown) in the Biblical text. First, "scarlet wool" occurs in the Epistle of Barnabas 7:8 concerning the scapegoat ...
Dottard's user avatar
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The Scapegoat and the Scarlet Wool - Epistle of Barnabas

The biblical origin of the tradition of the scarlet wool is obscure. However, it seems to have been practiced from antiquity. A miracle is recorded regarding this wool turning white during the time of ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
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How many posts did the courtyard of the Holy Tabernacle have?

We can only be as specific about this as Exodus, and they didn't include a diagram. It's usually said 60 not 56, because it's assumed the corners aren't counted twice due to the tendency for inclusive ...
FelixLXX's user avatar
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The last person in Daniel 11. Who is it?

I agree that the description from v36 onwards is not about Antiochus. I take it as speaking about a second and future ruler modelled upon Antiochus, similar but not identical. Firstly, vv36-8 read ...
Stephen Disraeli's user avatar
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The last person in Daniel 11. Who is it?

It is also possible from 36 onwards it is about Antiochus but not following on chronologically from before 36 but rather re telling the same events using different language so "41 He will also ...
Sam's user avatar
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The last person in Daniel 11. Who is it?

I think it switches to Crassus from this point on 36 “The king will do as he pleases. Crassus obtained a lot of land, and sold it. Was rich. Conquered fortresses Dio Cassius said:[1] After this ...
Sam's user avatar
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Codex Vaticanus initial text

There are several interesting facts concerning the Codex Vaticanus and especially concerning the distortions that has been made in this script over the centuries. ( The Codex Vaticanus ...
Jason_'s user avatar
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