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  • Member for 9 years, 2 months
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  • Australia
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What did Jesus mean in John 4:22, ὑμεῖς προσκυνεῖτε ὃ οὐκ οἴδατε?

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In Joshua 20:1-6 why must the man-slayer wait until the death of the high priest?

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In John 10:18 what command did Jesus receive from his father?

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In Isaiah 46:10, what exactly will God accomplish?

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Is Matthew's reference to "eunuchs" in Matthew 19:10-12 referring to celibacy?

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Who all is an idolater according to Ephesians 5:5?

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Can a spirit have the Posture of sitting?

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What can be the theological meaning of John 19:34

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Are all angels awaiting judgment fallen? 1 Corinthians 6:3

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Why didn’t they just ask Mary?

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Is Hebrews 8:2 suggesting that the "true tabernacle" is a physical building in the sky?

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How do we, by what means do we become "like Jesus"?

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What part of man gets saved?

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Mark 13:32 - Why doesn't the Holy Spirit know?

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He who troubles his own house will inherit wind,Proverbs 11:29

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What is the meaning of Isaiah 45:7?

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How do we understand Hebrews 10:2 in light of our ongoing consciousness of sin?

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Why would God create vessels of wrath prepared for destruction (Romans 9:21-22) if He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11)?

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What is the name God gave Jesus? John 17:11

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How could the earth form before the sun?

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How does Job 27:13-23 fit into the overall argument between Job and the friends?

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When did Jesus receive authority over heaven and earth?

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Was Joseph sold to Potiphar by Midianites or Ishmaelites?

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Is John chapter 9 in the same day with John chapter 10:22-23?

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Is the rich man in James 1:10 a brother?

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Does God ordain evil?

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Why did boy Jesus, 12 years old, remain behind in Jerusalem?

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Why does God call Nebuchadnezzar his servant?

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Did Jesus imply that others cast out demons by the finger of God in Luke 11:17-20?

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Does Genesis 2:24 speak exclusively to male-female copulation?

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