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Is the Great Tribulation equivalent to the wrath of God?

Another consideration in separating the Great Tribulation from the Wrath of God are the Martyrs under the Altar. As late as the Fifth Seal, the Martyrs cry out for judgement and vengeance from God ...
Banj0man's user avatar
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Is the Great Tribulation equivalent to the wrath of God?

In order to understand the "rapture" of the church, Or when we are caught up, you must be able to correctly differentiate between the great tribulation and the day of God’s wrath. THESE ARE ...
Prayer Warrior for Christ's user avatar
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Could the apocalyptic writings in the Gospels like Matthew 24 and Revelation be referring to different events?

I was basically replying to Kurt's changes Preterism must make. I understand many feel the events of the Bible are to limiting under the concept of "its not all about the destruction of Jerusalem&...
Randy 's user avatar
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