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In Acts 15:20 why does James prohibit the gentiles to eat strangled animals?

After an animal dies, the blood coagulates pretty quickly. Also, if an animal is strangled, then drained of blood, you will not get nearly as much blood out by gravity alone (even if the animal is ...
deuce22oz's user avatar
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Did Paul refer to James as a literal brother of Jesus?

In Galatians 1:19, the purpose of the addition of the phrase "the Lord's brother", is surely to distinguish the "James" Paul is referring to, from others whose name was also James. Acts 1:13 records ...
enegue's user avatar
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Did Paul refer to James as a literal brother of Jesus?

It is not linguistically conclusive that Paul was referring to James as a full brother of Christ. First, the word ἀδελφός (adelphos) can refer to a close relative as well as a brother. Examples of ...
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Is the James of Galatians 2:12 the same James as in Acts 15:13?

There are several people called "James" in the NT - James the son of Zebedee and brother of John and disciple of Jesus; Matt 4:21, Luke 5:10. This James was part of Jesus' inner circle ...
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What role did James have in Paul's conflict with Peter?

Role of James The James referred to here was James, the brother of the Lord, that Paul refers to in Galatians 1:19. The same James was episkopos in Jerusalem, and the one who pronounced on how ...
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In Acts 15:20 why does James prohibit the gentiles to eat strangled animals?

I agree that a strangled animal could be drained of blood, but it would be difficult, and it would be easily ignored if you are in haste. When I was teaching the Old Testament in Nicaragua, a rabbi ...
Ted DeRose's user avatar
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James converted before or after Jesus' resurection appearance?

It is true that James, the brother of Jesus did not believe that Jesus was Messiah of the world - John 7:5 - For even His own brothers did not believe in Him. However, with James at least, that ...
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Why was James the son of Zebedee beheaded rather than crucified or stoned?

The most helpful comment I found was in the Cambridge commentary which says: with the sword This was the third in order of the modes of execution appointed among the Jews. These are stoning, burning, ...
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What role did James have in Paul's conflict with Peter?

Galatians 2:11 Paul withstood Peter to his face. “For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles: but when they were come, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing them ...
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