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For questions about Peter, disciple of Jesus, leader and "apostle" of the early church.
In his sermon, Peter accuses the huge crowd of being guilty of - "nailing him to a cross at ...
Thus, in Acts 2:23, when Peter refers to "you" he is blurring (consistent with ancient idiom) he is obviously discussing the Jewish leadership at the time of the crucifixion in which the whole nation had … However, we also see the beginning of a transition to individual responsibility in that Peter offers individual freedom from that guilt by the grace of forgiveness in Acts 2:38 -
Peter replied, “Repent …
"Thou shalt deny me thrice" - Prophecy or Command?
The only reason Peter was singled out was because Peter gave the greatest assurance that he would not dessert Jesus. … Peter denied Jesus three times and following the resurrection, Jesus arranged a private conversation with Peter where Jesus asked three times if Peter loved Him. …
What does washing of the feet symbolize in John 13:10?
The principles that Jesus enacted in John 13, He had often stated elsewhere:
Principle #1- servant leadership
Mark 10:43 - But it shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become gre …
Did the apostles think that the end is imminent?
Note the following:
Acts 2:17 – Peter calls the day of Pentecost the “last day” in fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel. … time”.
1 Peter 1:20 – Jesus revealed in these “last times”.
2 Peter 3:3 – Peter writes about his time as the fulfilment of that spoken by the ancient prophets about the “last days”.
1 John 2:18 – Twice …
From the account in John 18 did Peter just deny being a follower of Christ, or did he actual...
According to this passage in John 18:15-27, Peter makes two specific denials:
V17 & 25 - Peter denies being a Disciple of Jesus
V26 - Peter denies being in the garden with Jesus (Peter attempted to defend … Peter was denying all this! …
What did Peter not realize in Luke 9:33?
For they were all so terrified that Peter did not know what else to say. … Peter begins talking without knowing what he is saying; in modern jargon he would be described as "blathering" - talking nonsense. …
4 different ways to interpret 2 Peter 2:20-22?
Suffice to say here that the only "knowledge" that Peter discusses is what is commonly (but unbiblically) called "saving knowledge as per 2 Peter 1:2-8 -
2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the … backs on the sacred command that was passed on to them.”
2 Peter 3:17 contains a very stern and sobering warning to be on guard that we do not fall from our secure position. …
Does Paul mean that Peter's wife traveled with the Twelve and Jesus, along with other women ...
the apostles were paid (see 1 Cor 9:4, 7ff) as expected and demanded by Paul but not for himself and Barnabas (1 Cor 9:5)
many of the apostles took their wives along with them on their travels such as Peter …
At John 20:6,7, is what Peter saw in the tomb his "lightbulb" moment to recognize Jesus as t...
This was probably the turning point for Peter - Jesus looked straight at Peter who then went and wept bitterly. … Peter remained as much human as the rest of us. Paul found it necessary to rebuke Peter for his duplicity as recorded in Gal 2:11-14. …
Do John 1:35-42 & Matthew 10:1-4 describe the same occasion?
John 1:35-42 is by the lake when Jesus first met Simon Peter and called him to ministry. The parallel incident in Matthew is Matt 4:18. …
What is the meaning of the Greek - "having been born again"? 1 Pet 1:23
Thus, both Peter and Paul describe a new life, or being reborn. For the unconverted this is a future event. … For the converted Christian, this is a completed past event, hence the tense of the verb in 1 Peter 1:23 - the perfect (completed) tense. …
Did Peter converse with (pray to) the Holy Spirit in Acts 10:9-19?
The short answer is "No" - Peter did not speak to the Holy Spirit - for the following simple reasons. However, the Holy Spirit spoke to Peter after the vision but not during the vision. … "The Voice" speaks to Peter six times in the vision (three pairs of instructions) whom Peter calls, "Lord"
The "Spirit" speaks to Peter outside the vision (V19)
In order to establish that the voice that …
Simon Peter vs. Simeon Peter - is there significance/context to using one vs. the other
After that we only have the two instances of Συμεών (Sumeón or Symeón) in Acts 15:14, 2 Peter 1:1. It does not occur in 1 Peter. … It is therefore significant that the only two occasions that the more formal form, Συμεών, is used is by Peter himself (2 Peter 1:1) and James at the council of Jerusalem. …
Acts 1:18 - Matthew 27:5 - Contradiction on Judas death & who purchased the field (silver co...
There are two matters here - one about the manner of death and the other about who bought the field. Let us take these one at a time.
Manner of Judas' death
The operative word in Acts 1:18, πρηνής, i …
Κηφάς (Greek proper name) < κεϕαλή (head) < πέτρος (rock)?
In Matt 16:18 we have a more subtle use of Greek word gender because we have distinction between the masculine Petros and the feminine Petra:
In Matt 16:18 the disciple Peter is called "Petros" (masc. …