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The life of Jesus as presented by Matthew. The gospel covers His virginal birth to His death and resurrection. Matthew also presents Jesus as the Lion of Judah and the fulfillment of prophecy. It is placed first in the New Testament because many of the early church leaders believed it to be the first written. There are still a few scholars who hold to "Matthean priority."
Why does Matthew double people?
Since Matthew had access to Mark (and knew that some of his
Graded numerical parallelism
It's possible that Matthew was enterprising a poetic technique by adding extra people to his accounts. … We need not conclude that Matthew exaggerated or fabricated the details of his narrative. …
What is Micah 5:5-6 talking about?
By the time of Christ when, according to Matthew the chief priests and scribes interpreted Micah 5:2 to be an as-yet-unfulfilled prophecy, Micah 5:5-6 had already been accomplished! …
What does Jesus mean by "light" in Matthew 5:16?
—Matthew 5:13 (ESV)
The strong parallels between salt and light in these two sayings suggest that Jesus means the same thing by them. Salt is good because of it's taste. … —Matthew 5:16 (ESV)
I've highlighted the logical connector "so that", which provides a reason or justification for the antecedent clause. …
Why are fathers missing in Mark 10:30?
Matthew, who almost certainly had Mark at hand when he wrote his gospel, cleverly edits the teaching to avoid the question of what one gets in return for giving up everything for Jesus' name. … Interestingly, Luke 8:19-21 defines family as "those who hear the word of God and do it" and Matthew 12:46-50 says "whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." …
What does Matthew 18:8-9 say about eternity?
—Mark 9:42-50 (ESV)
Note, in particular, the reverences to salt (verses 49-50) which Matthew places in the sermon on the mount. … Mark also has a more detailed story (beginning at verse 33) that Matthew summarizes in verses 1-4. …
Was it Jesus' flight to or return from Egypt that fulfilled Hosea 11:1?
On the one hand, Matthew seems to link the fulfillment to the journey to Egypt. But the quotation from Hosea makes clear that the journey from Egypt (the Exodus) was what Hosea had in mind. … Matthew, I think, is hoping to draw a connection between Joseph's life and Jesus'. …
Was Barabbas' given name Jesus?
That seems possible, but my speculation is that the scribes removed the Barabbas's given name in order to reconcile Matthew with the other gospels, which all tell this story and do not mention his full …
How many animals is the King of Zion to ride according to Zechariah?
—"The Two Asses of Zechariah 9:9 in Matthew 21", Tyndale Bulletin 54.1 (2003) 87-97. [PDF]
(Hat tip to H3br3wHamm3r81.) … —Matthew 21:7 (ESV)
By implication, either the report Matthew had of the historical event or his version of that report are confused about the number of animals present. …
Who is being "taken" in Matthew 24:40-41?
[missing spaces inserted]
There's an excellent chance that Matthew had the text of Mark at hand when he composed this section. Mark 13:32 strongly parallels Matthew 24:36. … Unfortunately, this is a controversial text, but if Paul has in mind Matthew 24 his interpretation is clear. …
Misleading "but" in Matthew 5:22 KJV?
Many translations do use "And" or rephrase to avoid needing to insert a word there at all. The Majority Text looks like this:
εγω δε λεγω υμιν οτι πας ο οργιζομενος τω αδελφω αυτου εικη ενοχος εσ …
What does it mean that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John the Baptist? ...
—Matthew 11:11-15 (ESV)
There's a lot going on here and I can't address it all. … John the Baptist did die, but the message of Matthew (and the other gospels) is that Jesus overcame the power of death in his own death and resurrection. …
What is the significance of '14 generations' in Matthew’s account of Jesus's genealogy?
So why did Matthew make a point of specifying the number of generations? … So Matthew recorded the lineage from Abraham to David and from David to Jesus. …
Forgive us our "debts"? "sins"? "trespasses"? Which is the most accurate translation?
Black and Bauer, Danker, & Arndt suggest that ὀφειλήματα means 'sins' in Matthew 6:12.2 The parallel reading in Luke 11:4 has "τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν" ('our sins') which lends support to this reading. … Danker, and Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 743.
2 Matthew Black, An Aramaic Approach to the …
Is there historical evidence for the resurrections reported in Matthew 27:52-53?
Since Matthew was compiled later than any of Paul's letters, it's possible this story was not widely circulated at the time. … It's also possible that Matthew and/or his source misunderstood what happened. There's no textual criticism evidence that I know of that the story was a later insertion. …
Is Matthew 13:18-23 specific to Matthew's congregation?
Therefore, we can be certain that neither Matthew nor Luke are the source of this particular teaching. … It's fair to say that if Matthew is really Matthew/Levi, one of Jesus' chosen twelve, and if Luke talked to some eyewitnesses about this particular section of Mark, then the words are from Jesus himself …