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The four canonical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. (For the gospel [message] use `the-gospel` tag.) Includes narratives unique to one gospel or shared between gospels.

8 votes
3 answers

Why does John describe himself or another disciple "Jesus loved" using phileo love ἐφίλει?

The phrase "disciple whom Jesus loved" is used 5 times in John's Gospel. It is commonly accepted each use refers to the same person, John the Apostle. Four of the 5 times the word [G25 - agapao] is us …
Revelation Lad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Did Samaritans hear John the Baptist's message?

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John each speak to the work of John the Baptist, preaching and baptizing people in the Jordan River. While the descriptions of the people who came, heard, and were baptized is …
Revelation Lad's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Is "The Lord of the Sabbath" the LORD God?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ records that Jesus states He is Lord of the Sabbath: For the Son of Man is lord of the Sabbath. (Matthew 12:8 ESV) So the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:28 …
Revelation Lad's user avatar
6 votes
7 answers

Is there significance to Jesus' tunic being kept intact while the Temple veil was torn apart?

Matthew, Mark, and John record casting lots to divide Jesus' clothing. John adds the Old Testament quote from Psalm 22:18 and provides other details: When the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they to …
Revelation Lad's user avatar