The number "666" or "616" is taken from the passage in Rev. 13:18,
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of
the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.
and has been arguably the most contested verse of the New Testament. The source of the problem is whether it is to be interpreted Literally or Figuratively, and if Figuratively, what meaning(gemmetria) are we to derive from the numbers?
Textual Consideration
Before we can evaluate it's meaning, we must begin with the issue of textual criticism(is the verse translated correctly). Here we have 2 choices,
Textus Receptus:
Ὧδε ἡ σοφία ἐστίν ὁ ἔχων τὸν νοῦν ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου
ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν καὶ ὁ ἀριθμὸς αὐτοῦ χξς
of which χξς is rendered "Six Hundred and Sixty-Six".
The main criticism of the Textus Receptus is that it contained numerous textual discrepancies from the Byzantine text it was derived from. However, Irenaeus quotes the recording of the same number, and this must be given careful consideration, since Ireaeus, who was a student of Polycarp, who in turn was a disciple of the Apostle John who wrote Revelations, wrote "Against Heresies" in 180AD, in which he quotes "666" and this work remains intact. Irenaeus introduced the 4 Gospels as being canonical, and recorded a list of bishops which proved apostolic succession, along with the primacy of the bishop of Rome. This is important for this era, for while persecutions broke out all through the Roman Empire(Irenaeus was eventually martyred in 202AD), numerous epistles and gospels claimed apostolic authority but in fact were heretical works by the Gnostics, of whom Irenaeus systematically refuted.(sources Wikipedia)
The fragment Papyrus 115 uses an "iota"(1) instead of sigma(6) in the fragment of Rev. 13:18. This fragment has been hailed as proving the authenticity of the Book of Revelations by critical scholars, yet it casts a shadow on the "Majority View" of what constitutes the NT.
What is important is that this 'fragment' uses an "Alexandrian type" rather than the Byzantine type used by the Majority View; and as such, are copies of the original. Since it was found in a dump(Oxyrhynchus), there was no effort on the author's part to preserve it; rather it was found along with unknown gospels, writings of the Epistles, Greek works, and other common writings of the day you would expect to see in the trash.
Evaluation of Divergent Text
In David Robert Palmer's New English Translation from the Greek", it cites these comments on Rev. 13:18,
"13:18d txt {A} ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ (666) ⁴⁷ A 1828 copsa
RP NA27 {A} ‖ ἑξακόσιαι ἑξήκοντα ἕξ (666) א ‖ χξϛ (with 3 indivudual
overlines) (666) 051 82 424 456 627 920 1852 1859 1862 1888 2019 2060
2074 2081 2138 2329 ‖ χξϛ (with one continuous overline) (666) 2020
2059 2814 TR ‖ χξσ (with one continuous overline) (666) 046? ‖ χξσ
"666" (with circumflex above, plus one continous overline above that)
ƒ052 35 94 175 469 1611 1678 2017 2042 2436 ‖ χξς (666) 757 ‖ χξϛ,
(666) Steph 1550 TR ‖ ἑξακόσια ἑξήκοντα ἕξ (666) P 104 241 (792) 922
1006 1841 1854 2040 2053 2065 2073 ‖ sexcenti sexaginta sex (666) vg
Beatus ps-Ambrose ‖ sexingenti sexaginta sex (666) itgig ‖ ἑξακόσιοι
ἑξήκοντα πέντε (665) 2344 ‖ (646) itar ‖ ἑξακόσιοι δέκα ἕξ (616) ¹¹⁵ C
vgms mssacc. to Irenaeus; Caesarius Tyc2 arm4 ‖ hiat 1384 2050 2062
2186. Here is a link to the image of Papyrus 115: The "Η" letter is a whole
Greek word that can mean "or." There is one theory that it read
ἑξακόσιοι δέκα ἕξ ἢ ΧΙC – “666 or 616.”) The "Η" letter can also be
the feminine definite article. David Parker writes (in his NTS
article): "There is too much space in the papyrus for what one would
expect from other witnesses, suggesting that something extra has been
written by mistake." He considers the "line written over letter" Eta
as a correction sign. (If that is true, I think the most probably
explanation is that it was a final N of the word ΕCΤΙΝ, and the scribe
of the papyrus mistook it for ΕCΤΙ Η. Some form of the number 666 is
supported by itgig vg syrph,h copsa,bo arm eth Irenaeus Hippolytus
Andrew; Victorinus-Pettau Gregory-Elvira Primasius Beatus TR RP NA27.
The UBS Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament states on p. 49
that Irenaeus "says that 666 is found 'in all good and ancient
copies,' and is 'attested by those who had themselves seen John face
to face.' …When Greek letters are used as numerals the difference
between 666 and 616 is merely a change from ξ to ι (666 = χξς and 616
= χις)(taken from here)
We can see from the analysis that some form of correction was in the fragment, as well as this fragment was never intended in itself to be the 'final authority'; rather, Irenaeus's comment substantially establishes that the "666" is authoritative, as opposed to the "616", found on a scrap of paper in a different text type than originally recorded, with "editing notation' contained in it.
Meaning of "666"
The reason for the divergent textual challenges, which tend to support those who challenge the authority of Scripture, is because there is such a wide diversity of opinion regarding what "666" means. Irenaeus himself concluded,
But knowing the sure number declared by Scripture, that is six
hundred sixty and six, let them await, in the first place, the
division of the kingdom into ten; then, in the next place, when these
kings are reigning, and beginning to set their affairs in order, and
advance their kingdom, [let them learn] to acknowledge that he who
shall come claiming the kingdom for himself, and shall terrify those
men of whom we have been speaking, have a name containing the
aforesaid number, is truly the abomination of desolation.(taken from Against Heresies, Book V, Chapt. 30)
So he avers that such a person called the Antichrist, who's name can be determined by the number "666", exists sometime in the future. He speculated on what the "666" might mean, but makes it a case for "Future Interpretation", versus a "Preterist", or even "Idealist" interpretation. For the purposes of this discussion, I will use a "Historicist Interpretation", as the "Dispensationalist/Futurist" relies on the "literal"(historical/grammatical) method of which so much debate has been cast about; primarily due to the 'gemmetria' required to substantiate the claim. Since no one(to date) is attempting to rule the world with a "666", there are an endless supply of candidates who's names 'could' gemmetrically equal "666". And therein lies the confusion, and the claim by atheists and agnostics against the veracity of Scripture.
Perhaps the best explanation of the number comes in the previous phrase,
ψηφισάτω τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ θηρίου ἀριθμὸς γὰρ ἀνθρώπου ἐστίν
which, in the Greek interlinear is translated,
I'm not a Greek scholar, but the Interlinear version suggests "man", and not "a man" can satisfy the meaning. Also, "let-pebble" is important, because the vast majority of the gemmetria sytems rely on a "base" number system which requires "calculating" rather than 'pebble by pebble' counting.
A source, and an argument I found compelling is taken from here,
What a revelation this was to me when I read it several years ago.
Indeed, it helped me to see what the Book of Revelation was really out
to show. It means that the number is associated with man—all mankind
(and not a particular individual). Look at this for a moment.
He makes a further observation by saying,
People have assumed that the number 666 is a number of an individual
man. Because of this, some scholars and theologians have gone wild
over making identification of “the man” intended by the Book of
So, if "man", and not 'a man', is the meaning of the number, what are we to count?
Six + Six + Six = 18 You can 'let-pebble' 6, three times(think about counting pennies) and you arrive at 18.
What does that mean?
From a Preterist, Idealist, Futurist/Dispensationalist point of view, absolutely nothing; but from a Historicist view, 18 "centuries" is when Humanism, or Secular Humanism appeared on the scene, and has been the bane of mankind ever since. It's doctrine, law, philosophy, art, view "man"(or mankind) as "God", and it exalts itself and opposes anything related to the One True God. The French Revolution was the epitome of this, followed by all the other "revolutions". The American Revolution embraced it's principles, yet Godly men steered it's course away from the excesses of the French Revolution; although today, most of what those "Godly men" declared has been obliterated by Humanist Courts and government which exalts "man" as God.
As a final quote,
The number seems to be indelibly impressed on the whole structure of
human society. And, as a last bequest to mankind, God will allow a
worldwide kingdom to exist at the end of the age (just prior to the
second advent of Christ) which will be the most glorious human kingdom
ever to exist on earth.
This is the government "of the people, for the people, by the people" which exalts mankind at the expense of the Kingdom of God.