6000 years
Gen 5:3 Seth +130, Gen 5:6 Enos +105, Gen 5:9 Cainan +90, Gen 5:12 Mahalaeel +70, Gen 5:15 Jared +65, Gen 5:18 Enoch +162, Gen 5:21 Methuselah +65, per Gen 5:25 Lamech +187, Gen 5:28 Noah+182, Gen 6:7 The Flood came when Noah was +600, Gen 11:10
Total = 1656 years
Arphaxad +2 – born to Shem after the flood. Gen 11:12 Selah +35, Gen 11:14 Eber +30, Gen 11:16 Peleg +34, Gen 11:18 Reu +30, Gen 11:20 Serug +32, Gen 11:22 Nahor +30 , Gen 11:24 Terrah +29, Gen 11:26 Abram Born +70 years
Total to this point 1948 years
Gen 17:1, Abram (Abraham) was 99 when the Covenant was made with God. + 99 Genesis 17:1-8
Total at this point 2047 years
Galatians 3:17 Paul states that the Law was given +430 after the Covenant. Law was given when the children came out of Egypt (same year) as the Exodus
Total years at this point 2477
1 Kings 6:1 The Temple construction starts, in the 4th year of King Solomon +480 since the Torah was given at the Exodus.. 1 Kings 11:42 Solomon 40 minus 4 = +36, 1 Kings 14:21 Rehoboam +17, 1 Kings 15:2 Abijah +3, 2 Chron 16:13 Asa +41, 1 Kings 22:42 Jehoshaphat +25, 2 Kings 8:17 Jehoram +8, 2 Kings 8:26 Ahaziah +1, 2 Kings 11:1-3 Athaliah +6, 2 Kings 12:1 Joash +40, 2 Kings 14:2 Amaziah +29, 2 Kings 15:1-2 Azariah +52, 2 Kings 15:33 Jotham +16, 2 Kings 16:2 Ahaz +16, 2 Kings 18:1-2 Hezekiah +29, 2 Kings 21:1 Manasseh +55, 2 Kings 21:19 Amon +2, 2 Kings 22:1 Josiah +31, 2 Kings 23:31 Jehoahaz +3mths, 2 Kings 23:36 Jehoiakim +11, 2 Kings 24:8 Jehoichin +3mths, 2 Kings 24:18-20 Zedekiah +11, who ruled until the Babylonian captivity
Total at this point 3387 from Adam
Total elapsed years to the first exile of Judah and destruction of 1st Temple= 3387 from Adam
Almost every theologian and historian agrees the temple was destroyed in 586-587 BC
3387 + 586/587 BC = 3973 to 3974BC
This puts the 6000 year mark using scripture between 2027 and 2028 depending on how you carry your decimals and what date you use for the Babylonian siege and destruction of the first temple