From this link
When I read the quote presented like above, my own conclusion :
Verse 1 and 2, The Beginning ---> is not the first day yet.
Once after the Light created The First Day: Light, then it is the beginning of the first hour of the first day.
But I am not sure if my conclusion is correct/biblical, because besides on how the presentation of the verse in that biblehub link like that, I also involve my own logical thinking that : the beginning condition where all part of the earth is in dark state no light at all, it's non-sensical to say that "it is the beginning of the first hour of the day for the first time".
So to me, the one which is sensical is that the first hour of the first day for the first time (experienced by earth) happen after God seperated the Light from the Darkness.
But then, after digging the internet, I've found out that there is another view which say that the "the beginning", even before the earth was created, is already on the first hour of the first day state:
What did God create on the first day of creation?
God created the heavens and earth, the waters, and light on the first day of creation
Anyway, back to my original question :
Is there a specific meaning in KJV Genesis 1:1-5 on how it is presented in the Biblehub?
(I mean something like : to have the reader conclude that "the beginning" is not the first day yet, so it's presented like the one in that biblehub link).
If the answer is YES, then I wonder which one is biblical ?
"In The Beginning" is not the first day yet ? or "In The Beginning" even before the earth is created, is already on the first day state ?