Regarding Genesis 2, we immediately encounter several issues:
Does Genesis 2 begin a new separate account of creation? This question is hotly debated and I want to avoid covering questions that already address this issue.
According to P.J. Wiseman's tablet theory (New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis, 1936), it seems that most of Genesis was originally written on clay tablets in the Babylonian format. He noticed that Babylonian tablets ended with rather than started with an attribution, and he noticed a similar practice in Genesis. Thus, according to this theory, each section in Genesis ends with a toledoth (toledot in Hebrew) as the attribution.
Wiseman’s theory is highly controversial, but in view of the presence of multiple toledoth divisions, the Babylonian tablet format, and the fact that the subject preceding a toledoth is more relevant than the subject following, hasn’t otherwise been addressed. Also, physical experiments conducted on clay tablets and the presence of catch-lines in the Genesis text is also compatible with the amount of cuneiform text that could fit on typical clay tablets found in Mesopotamia.
Thus, each “author” in Genesis ends with "This is the book of the generations of . . . " If true, then the first section of Genesis ends with “These are the generations of . . . ” in Genesis 2:4 and the second section in Genesis ends with “This is the book of the generations of Adam,” indicating that Adam was the author of the second section, perhaps hundreds of years later.
This is an interesting theory that supports multiple authors of Genesis. The pattern ends with the beginning of the story of Joseph, which would more likely have been written on papyrus or vellum in Egypt.
Here’s more detail that’s not arrogantly dismissive of Wiseman’s observations:
I’m bringing all this up to set a possible context that this was Adam’s account.
- What can we infer about Adam and Eve from the description in Genesis 2:5 – Genesis 5:1, focusing primarily on Genesis 2?
This section starts with a description of what Adam was told and what he saw. Adam notes the special creation of the Garden of Eden and the presence of two special trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
We learn that “YHWH Elohim” created Adam from dust and breathed into his nostrils (an allusion to birthing). Adam named each creature and possibly named the rivers, the land, and its resources, such as gold, bdellium (that might be an aromatic gum/resin) and onyx stone.
Adam then writes the commands given to him by YHWH Elohim regarding his purpose and his diet.
Unlike Adam, YHWH Elohim created Eve not from dust, but instead from the body of Adam using what we would now call cloning. Thus, we can infer that Adam and Eve had identical chromosomes (except for their sex chromosomes) and were heterozygous and interracially brown people.
We can also see that Eve was the last and most highest in the progression of God’s creations.
To your question, according to the text, Adam and Eve were a special creation, that can be placed in the first six days described in Genesis 1.
From Genesis 3:22, it seems that Adam and Eve would need to eat from the Tree of Life to prevent mortality. We have no information whether animals were also able to eat from the Tree of Life.
It would be difficult to make a case from the context of chapter 2 that the creation of Adam and Eve took millions of years. However it could and has been proposed that Adam, Eve, and the garden of Eden were all special creations outside of those listed in Genesis 1. This idea is highly speculative and I hold no further opinion on it.
As an aside, it’s also fun to imagine why Adam might have nicknamed his wife Chavah instead of her original name, which was Issah in Genesis 3:20. Was it because she mothered all the young animals? 😉
General Comments on Genesis 1
As a person with an educational foundation in the sciences, let me first say that I sympathize with the question you’re asking about the Bible and millions of years.
First, consider these definitions:
• Exegesis is the exposition or explanation of a text based on a careful, objective analysis.
• Eisegesis is the reading of one's own ideas into scripture.
• Biazogesis, a term I recently coined here, is the process of forcing or squeezing scriptures into a preconception or desired interpretation.
We want to focus on exegesis, but let me make some observations regarding science and the Bible.
Ancient cosmologies often describe warring gods, dismemberment, and repurposed body parts in their creation stories. The earth is supported on the backs of large animals such as tortoises and elephants. One of the Greek Titans, Atlas, holds up the heavens. The sun and moon are powerful deities.
In contrast, the Bible contains no similar stories. According to Genesis, the sun and moon are simply luminaries—lamps, not gods—and the earth is not supported by any giant animals.
The ancient Septuagint translation of Genesis literally begins like this:
In the beginning, God made the heaven and the earth. But the earth was
unseen and unready; and darkness was upon the abyss. And the Spirit of
God bore upon the water. And God said, “Let there be light!” And there
was light. – Genesis 1:1 (ABP)
Let’s compare this with a Wikipedia description of the early chronology of the universe, the initial “cosmic dark ages” that are believed to have lasted several hundred million years:
Before decoupling occurred, most of the photons in the universe were
interacting with electrons and protons in the photon–baryon fluid. The
universe was opaque or "foggy" as a result. There was light but not
light we can now observe through telescopes. The baryonic matter in
the universe consisted of ionized plasma, and it only became neutral
when it gained free electrons during "recombination", thereby
releasing the photons creating the CMB [Cosmic Microwave Background].
When the photons were released (or decoupled) the universe became
Thus, according to current scientific theory, which would be incomprehensible to 99.9% of all humanity, the universe was initially dark and fluid. Then, the universe is believed to have gone through an inflationary stage or two, changed from opaque to transparent, and light became visible. Multiple periods of light-dark cycles are certainly also possible. And regular cycles are absolutely necessary to define periods of time as well as all other measurements.
Thus, the light-dark cycles of Genesis are not necessarily the same as what we experience today. But they are cycles and it makes sense to call them days regardless of how long they might have taken originally.
Also note that time is relative. Near a black hole, time slows down to nearly a standstill as measured by an outside observer at a significant distance. The effect of gravity on the passage of time has been experimentally verified.
According to Genesis 1, God created space, time, and matter. Gravity, light, and the constants and laws of physics also emerged (emerged is a scientific euphemism for “we’re clueless”).
However, Science is always in flux. What’s commonly accepted today as Scientific Truth, will in a few years be considered incomplete, incorrect, or even . . . quaint.
As reported in Live Science in March 2020, a study published in Natural Geoscience, researchers lead by geoscientist Benjamin Johnson report that they have compelling evidence from isotope ratios. It reads
What did Earth look like 3.2 billion years ago? New evidence suggests
the planet was covered by a vast ocean and had no continents at all.
So, scientific evidence now points to a water-world origin. Another recent discovery is that these isotope ratios seem to indicate that a significant portion of the water on earth is thought to be older than the sun!
And did you know that more water exists deep within the earth than in all of the oceans on the surface of the earth? According to NewScientist, June 2014:
A reservoir of water three times the volume of all the oceans has
been discovered deep beneath the Earth’s surface. The finding could
help explain where Earth’s seas came from.
The water is hidden inside a blue rock called ringwoodite that lies
700 kilometres underground in the mantle, the layer of hot rock
between Earth’s surface and its core.
The huge size of the reservoir throws new light on the origin of
Earth’s water. Some geologists think water arrived in comets as they
struck the planet, but the new discovery supports an alternative idea
that the oceans gradually [?] oozed out of the interior of the early
What would you call it if some of this newly discovered ocean of water under the earth gushed out rapidly? Could these be "the fountains of the great deep" mentioned in Genesis?
In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the
seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the
great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened. -
Genesis 7:11 ESV
My point is not that Genesis is a scientific account “after all”—the science referenced above will certainly change over time—but rather that it’s compatible with our scientific inquiries.
Regarding humanity and animal life, I’ll freely admit that I lost my faith (gasp!) in the naturalistic explanations of life when I was in college after studying the insane complexity of some of the primary chemical cycles of living organisms. A natural origin of a jet aircraft or supercomputer is far more likely than a so-called “simple” cell.
If you want to believe in macroevolution, let me suggest that from a naturalistic perspective that it’s far more likely that humans evolved from gut bacteria as a sort of biological exoskeleton than current explanations.
Finally Getting to the Point
So, to your original question. I’d say it’s not the “ambiguity” of Genesis that affords leeway in explaining how God created Adam from the dust of the earth, but it’s indicative of the level of abstraction communicated by God for our understanding of the perspectives we should have toward his creation.