In Matthew 26:31, Jesus says this:
“Then Jesus said to them, “This night you will all fall away because of me, for it is written: ‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’” Matthew 26:31 NET
Zechariah 13 is a chapter that discusses false prophets within the land. The prophecy specifically focuses on one certain false prophet who bears the pagan marks of idolatry in his chest and leads people astray with his teachings.
Verse 7 onwards describes God punishing this idolatry and wiping it from the land, leaving only the righteous remnant left.
Verse 7 says this:
““Awake, sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is my associate,” says the Lord who rules over all. Strike the shepherd that the flock may be scattered; I will turn my hand against the insignificant ones.” Zechariah 13:7 NET
The NET footnote says that “the immediate context of Zechariah suggests that the unfaithful shepherds (kings) will be punished by the Lord”
So, given the context of the verse that speaks of false prophets and God scattering the disobedient flock, Why does Jesus quote it and what was His meaning? How can this be understood with respect to the original meaning of Zechariah 13? I am having trouble understanding why Jesus would quote a passage that clearly speaks of false prophets condemned by God.
[I am aware that some may wish to interpret Zach 13 as a messianic prophecy, but given its clear condemnation of false prophets, I am not taking this stance, and am only seeking answers that answer from the perspective of the one presented above]