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Why do we persist in saying the crucifixion was on Friday? [closed]

There are persuasive arguments for the crucifixion not being on a Friday.  I guess the Friday hypothesis is based on the reference to it being before a Sabbath, and not knowing some of the details of ...
WGroleau's user avatar
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In Mark 15:42, had the Sabbath already begun?

Since the evening had already begun and the Sabbath begins in the evening, had the Sabbath already started? Or was it still the ending of the day of preparation for the Sabbath? [Mar 15:42 NASB] When ...
Ruminator's user avatar
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Does the sixth day before the Passover in John 12:1 rule out a Friday crucifixion day?

John 12:1-3, "Jesus, therefore, six days before the passover, came to Bethany, where was Lazarus, who had died, whom he raised out of the dead; 2 they made, therefore, to him a supper there, and ...
Gina's user avatar
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Was the city of Emmaus along a populated route from Jerusalem?

Luke 24:13, "And, behold, two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus, which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs." (KJV) As Emmaus was 60 furlongs from Jerusalem, and as 1 ...
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