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In 1 Peter 3:7, why does Peter refer to the wives as weaker?

The thrust of 1 Peter 2:13-3:7 seems to be about living differently in existing relationships "for the Lord's sake" because we have been changed - note 2:13 "for the Lord's sake...", 3:1 "in the same ...
Colin Noble's user avatar
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9 answers

Does Genesis 2:21-24 suggest that the woman shared Adam's breath?

In the making of Adam we are told that after Yehovah sculpted him into a statue of himself he breathed into him the breath of life and animated hime. Eve was sculpted from Adam's spare rib but there ...
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19 votes
6 answers

What was Eve's role in relation to Adam?

The role of Eve in relation to Adam is dramatically changed by the interpretation of the sections I have bolded below, from Genesis 2:18: The verse as most people learned it: And the Lord God said,...
TJ Luoma's user avatar
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