Master Teacher Jesus ought to have the final word on any interpretation. And here in Matthew Jesus spoke as to the timing of the fulfilment of this metaphoric passage. A few verse following, He specifically stated that this generation (first century) shall not pass away till all these things happen. There is no equivocation here.
He was saying that Matthew 24:29-31 had to happen sooner rather than later! Within that generation (40 years). did happen just as He said. This had no reference to an end-time event---neither an alleged Rapture, nor a Second Coming.
Prophetic Language What throws off modern Bible readers is their lack of knowledge concerning Jewish prophetic imagery. In the Old Testament, which was the only Bible the Apostles had, these meteorological signs were common in describing the fall of a nation, and the conquest of wicked rulers by the wrath of God. This is how the disciples would have understood Jesus's words.
Traumatic Downfall In this case of Matthew 24, it was the disastrous conquering of Judea by the Romans and the Destruction of the Temple--by the wrath of God (see Matthew 23)--that these sky imageries represented. Here again, it is Jesus's limitation of the timing of this prophecy that must direct our interpretation of this passage, not any modern prophetic system of thought.
There is a Second Coming in our future, but that is dealt with later in the New Testament! Maranatha!