The iron legs of the statue in Daniel chapter 2, the fourth unnamed beast of Daniel 7, and the unnamed beast of Revelation 13 are all the sameall the same and represent the Roman Empire at different stages of its futurefuture history.
It is clear from Daniel chapter 2 that from the time of the Babylonian kingdom until the Second Coming of Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God/ World Government, there arewere only 4only four Empires that affectaffected Jerusalem during the time of Israel/Judea. (The Ottoman Empire was during the Gentile period [see Luke 21:24] when the Jews were not a nation there).These These are the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, and the Roman Empires.
[Some say that it is the First Coming of Jesus that is depicted as the Stone that came during the Roman Empire. If this is true, then the 13th and 17th chapters of Revelation are irrelevant in 98-99 AD and also now]. [Some say that it is the First Coming of Jesus that is depicted as the Stone that came during the Roman Empire. If this is true, then the 13th and 17th chapters of Revelation are irrelevant in 98-99 AD and also now].
There are some differences in the 4th beast from the time when Daniel saw it into the futureinto the future in the 6th century BC to when John saw the same into the futureinto the future in the 1st century AD; quite naturally because Rome was to progress in history into the futureinto the future during that time.
Now it has 7seven heads and 10 horns.
The 7 heads areThe seven heads are:
1One Head of the Babylon area that was absorbed into the Roman Empire;
1One Head of the Medo-Persian area absorbed;
4Four Heads of the divided Greek empire that happened after the death of Alexander the Great (Daniel 8:8). These were Seleucus (over Syria), Lysimachus, Ptolemy (Egypt), and Cassander. All were absorbed into the Roman Empire.
1One Head of the Roman Empire.
So, 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 7 (This is what RevRevelation 13:2 says).
The dragon is, of course, Satan who gives its power to this political kingdom. “And the great dragongreat dragon was cast out, the old serpentold serpent (the one who deceived Eve in the Garden) being called devil, and, Satan” (RevRevelation 12:9).
The Roman Empire was very famous for its war making-making ability. This is why “all the earth wondered after the beast” (RevRevelation 13:3) “saying, Who is like the beast; who is able to make war with it?” (verse 4).
When John saw the beast, one of its heads (this is the 7th Roman head) was wounded to death (verse 3). This is the fall of the western Roman Empire in Rome in AD 476 AD. (Historians mark the end of the Ancient History here). Rome continued only in the eastern Roman Empire centered in Byzantium .
This “deadly wound was healed” (verse 3) when Emperor Justinian from Byzantium recaptured Rome in AD535535 AD. This is known in history as ‘The Imperial Restoration’.
(I would daredare say that the 9th hornHorn was the Hitler-Mussolini Axis Power that culminated in the Second World War; 8th horn being the 8th Horn was Napoleon’s European Empire).