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ReturnOfRoamer's user avatar
  • Member for 3 months
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In Acts 10 why does Peter not know the gospel is not only for the Jewish people?

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If the LORD gives His glory to no other, then what is the glory that Jesus gives to the twelve and to future believers?

0 votes

What is the status of the words "with him" in Romans 8:17?

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Psalm 22:1 - Masoretic and Septuagint

0 votes

The earthly life of Jesus in Paul's letters

0 votes

In Isaiah 65:17-25 does the author envision death in the new Heavens and new Earth?

0 votes

Psalm 139:13 says that God knits us in our mother's womb. If Jesus creates all things, and not God, then who knitted Jesus in his mother's womb?

0 votes

What is the significance of “a man carrying a jar of water” in Luke 22:10?

0 votes

Why were the Israelites deprived of eating meat when they had their own cattle and sheep in the desert?

0 votes

Is Job 32:8 equating "the breath of life" of Genesis 2:7 with the Holy Spirit?

0 votes

What’s going on with ουρανος?

0 votes

Are there any linguistic (especially Greek) cues on how Mark 10:18 is to be interpreted?

0 votes

In Mark 10:18 are there linguistic clues on how Jesus' response to the rich young ruler is to be interpreted?

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Considering Suleiman’s decree in 1537, does the Hebrew of Dan 9:24-27; actually teach a double 70 week prophecy?

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Does Psalm 51:5 indicate that David was the illegitimate son of Jesse Or his woman?

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What does "finished/kalah" mean in Genesis 2:1?

0 votes

Does the Bible truely promote Slavery in Exodus 21:20-21 & Leviticus 25:44-46?

0 votes

Did Jesus re-visit John after his wilderness experience?

0 votes

In Hebrews 11:10, what city was Abraham looking forward to?

0 votes

Why the use of the Greek epsilon for first word and then the Greek eta for the same word in the verse John 1:1?

0 votes

Do the merits of an exegesis relying on texts unavailable to the author depend upon whether the unavailable texts were invented or not-yet-existent?

-1 votes

How do you tell if you're saved as someone with scrupulosity?

-1 votes

What Scriptures is Paul referring to in 1 Cor 15:4

-1 votes

What does "Alpha" mean in Revelation 21:6?

-1 votes

The God of the Dead and The God of the Living

-1 votes

If Psalm 110 was NOT written by David, then did Jesus make an error in stating that "David himself calls him [the messiah] 'lord'" in the Psalm?

-1 votes

1 John 4:9, "God sent His ONLY begotten Son into the world." Jesus is the Son in the exclusive sense. Would this mean the Son has His Father's nature?

-1 votes

Romans 9:5 Is this a scriptural evidence for Pauline Trinitarian Christology

-1 votes

(John 15:22) No sin without Jesus?

-1 votes

How is 2 Maccabees 12:40-46 to be understood?