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Mike Sangrey's user avatar
Mike Sangrey
  • Member for 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Central Pennsylvania, USA
10 votes

Romans 3:22 – ‘of’ or ‘in’? Old translations differ from modern ones. Why?

7 votes

NASB translation of John 4:1

6 votes

Is Genesis 2:7 sufficiently ambiguous to support an interpretation that God spent millions of years to form Adam from dust?

5 votes

1 Corinthians 15:4-7 a physical, or spiritual heavenly appearance

4 votes

How does Paul use 'prasso' and 'poio' in Romans 7:15 and 7:19?

3 votes

A translation question about Colossians 1:27

3 votes

How can one Refute Richard Carrier's claim of "Jesus Mythicism" in Gal. 4:4?

3 votes

If Jesus is the Creator in Col 1:16, then why does Col 1:18 say that he "becomes preeminent" if he, as the Creator and God, is already preeminent?

3 votes

What did Jesus mean about the Temple as the Father's House in John 2:16?

3 votes

“Do you love Me more than these?”

3 votes

Does "great tribulation" (Matthew 24:21) refer to a massive End Time trauma, or is it a general description of the Conquest of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.?

2 votes

In Hebrews 2:7, why is "And set him over the works of your hands" put in brackets or even completely removed from all current translations?

2 votes

What should you not do when using Large Language Models in the field of Hermeneutics?

2 votes

Why is 2 Thessalonians 2:14 translated with a singular "you" when the Greek is plural?

2 votes

Is anything implied by the author using the (Greek) phrase translated "work with your hands" in 1 Thessalonians 4:11?

2 votes

Mark 9:42 "those who believe in me" or "I am entrusted with"

2 votes

Why the people in Babel did not try to learn each other's language?

2 votes

Which one of the persons of the Trinity is sitting on the throne according to Isaiah 6:1-3?

2 votes

Does the Greek used in 1 Peter 3:7 properly translate as “weaker” and in what way might that be applied?

1 vote

Do the Hebrew and Aramaic language have an equivalent word for κατακεῖσθαι? Mark 2:15-18

1 vote

Does God actually send delusions?

1 vote

What is the significance of the word Οὕτως (Houtōs) ‘so’ in John 3:16?

1 vote

Acts 11:21 translation

1 vote

John 1:18: If no man has ever seen God, and Jesus is God, then how could any man have seen Jesus?

1 vote

THIS generation will not pass

1 vote

Who was recording Jesus prayer? Mat 26

1 vote

Does Ephesians 4:11 have any implication regarding the Second Coming of Christ?

1 vote

Is the “If” in Romans 4:24 present in the original Greek. If not, why is that included in some translations?

1 vote

How old is Immanuel in Isaiah 7:15?

1 vote

What does the Gesture of "uncovering feet" and "lying to Boas feet" mean?