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13 votes

Why would God create vessels of wrath prepared for destruction (Romans 9:21-22) if He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 33:11)?

8 votes

Is the 9th commandment the same as "You shall not lie"?

7 votes

Is Jesus from the line of David?

7 votes

Why did Adam think that he was still naked in Genesis 3:10?

7 votes

What, exactly, is the "knowledge of good and evil" in Genesis 3:22?

6 votes

What is the connection between Christ being man’s head and man being woman’s head?

6 votes

Why did God forgive David (2 Samuel 12:13), but not Judas (Matthew 27:3-4) for an identical confession of sin?

6 votes

Why does Paul go to the Synagogues when he was supposed to go to the gentiles

6 votes

Was Jesus educated, uneducated, or merely not educated by a rabbi of the Pharisaical sect?

5 votes

Does Romans 5:12 say that we inherit the sin of Adam and Eve?

5 votes

Is Paul being a bit extreme with his "wish" that they should mutilate themselves in Galatians 5:12?

5 votes

Was Satan evil in Job 1:7?

5 votes

Bible passages (like in Psalms) that seem legalistic (and maybe even sanctimonious) Vs Colossians verses warnings against legalistic behavior

5 votes

Eternal punishment vs eternal life in Matthew 25:46

5 votes

Why did Peter et. al. follow the advice of a stranger who told them how to catch fish in John 21:6?

5 votes

No one has seen the father John 1:18 & John 6:46

5 votes

1 Cor 12:4-6 - Trinity or something else?

5 votes

Who is the intermediary in Gal 3:19-20

5 votes

How might we interpret the "great chasm" from the account of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:26, NASB)?

5 votes

Can Nisan 15 be referred to as "the sabbath"?

4 votes

John 13:7 What was Jesus referring to when he said "You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”

4 votes

2 Timothy 3:16 and the Greek word for Doctrine

4 votes

Was Christ's statement in John 8:24 a claim of deity, and why would the Jews follow-up with "Who are you?" (8:25)?

4 votes

Need help clarifying Leviticus 27:22

4 votes

What does Paul mean by "denying its power" in 2 Timothy 3:5?

4 votes

What is the meaning of "theopneustos" when Paul says "All scripture is God-breathed." Did He breathe on/in the scriptures or did He Breathe them out?

4 votes

Colossians 1:20 reconciling "things in heaven"

4 votes

How do we understand the personification of sin in Romans 7?

4 votes

What was wrong with knowing good and evil as per Gen 3:22?

4 votes

Has anyone seen God or not?

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