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Mr. Bond
  • Member for 5 years, 1 month
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10 votes

Why is Jesus called the "Son of God" if he is God?

6 votes

In Philippians 2:6, did Jesus not consider seizing equality with God, or did he not consider clutching his being like a god?

5 votes

Does "He is the image of the invisible God" Imply that Jesus is not God?

5 votes

Should Philippians 2:6 say "in the form of God" or "in the form of a god"?

5 votes

Is the Father the source of the Son?

5 votes

What is the accurate translation of "οὗτος" in John 1:2?

5 votes

What is the central message of John 6:46? Is this passage parallel to John 4:24, Luke 24:39, and Colossians 1:15 (invisible God or God is invisible)?

5 votes

The text says that the Word is in the beginning at John 1:1 but God is not said to be in the beginning. Is there grammatical evidence that God was?

5 votes

What does the produce of the vineyard represent in the Parable of the Vine-growers?

4 votes

God says He is the Redeemer and He created all things all alone and by Himself, then why is Jesus presented as the creator and Redeemer?

4 votes

Since BDAG says "και" suggests a semantic aspect at Titus 2:13 that justifies that “our Great God” is the Father and not Jesus, is και adjunctive?

4 votes

How should we understand Jesus being called ‘firstborn’ in Rom 8:29?

4 votes

Divine council and the Bible

4 votes

What does the "beginning of creation” at Rev 3:14 mean using a Biblical Hermeneutic?

4 votes

What is Jesus' argument in John 10:34-36?

4 votes

How could Christ uphold the universe as a helpless babe

4 votes

Does Jesus ever directly and explicitly claim to be the Messiah (the Christ) in public, before his trial with the Sanhedrin?

4 votes

Does Colossians 1:16 say that Jesus created the heaven and the earth?

3 votes

Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34. During the crucifixion, when Jesus said God had abandoned him, wouldn't the Trinity have been broken?

3 votes

How do Trinitarians distinguish which person the Bible is referring to throughout the scriptures when the three titles of the Godhead is not used?

3 votes

Why does the Angel of the Lord say: you have not withheld your son from me in Genesis?

3 votes

Did God forsake Jesus while on the cross?

3 votes

Who is angry - Jesus or the Crowd? Mark 3:5

3 votes

Is Malachi 3:1 foretelling the coming of John the Baptist or Jesus Christ?

3 votes

Why did Peter dedicate his first book to those who are 'strangers'? (1Peter1.1) Was Peter different to the other apostles, and aware of it?

3 votes

To which beginning is the word 'beginning' (arche) referring in the Gospel of John, outside of the prologue?

3 votes

If Jesus is God, how can we make sense of Him calling the Father "my God" in John 20:17?

3 votes

Did the Jews expect the Messiah to be the Son of God? Matthew 26:63

3 votes

Is the thief on the cross the first person saved under the new covenant?

3 votes

Why did Jesus say, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

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