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Ken Banks's user avatar
Ken Banks
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Wisconsin
4 votes

In what significant ways would the Prophet that was to come be similar to Moses? Deut 18:15

4 votes

Genesis 19:13 "the cry of them" צַעֲקָתָם?

4 votes

Markan priority, Q, and the parable of the mustard seed

4 votes

For whom would it be better not to have been born (Matthew 26:24)?

4 votes

What is the significance of ἀγαπάω (I have loved) being aorist in John 15:12?

4 votes

How should πῶς οὗτος γράμματα οἶδεν μὴ μεμαθηκώς; (NA27) be translated in John 7:15?

4 votes

Why leave out tous in greek before all of us and so distort the meaning of 2 corinthians 5?

4 votes

What does "determined" refer to in Acts 17:26?

3 votes

Could Matthew 28:18-19 be translated in the Koine Greek to be an exhortation and not a commandment as some may think?

3 votes

In which language was the name "Jesus" written and how was it pronounced in Matthew 1:1 first?

3 votes

What does "even as" mean in Ephesians 1:4?

3 votes

Was Jesus not sure he could raise Lazarus back to life?

3 votes

Who is King Lemuel in Proverbs 31?

3 votes

What does "silly myths" mean in 1 Timothy 4:7?

3 votes

How is the imputation of the righteousness of God effected in Christ and how can the believer be “in Him”?

3 votes

Is Jesus speaking about the Eucharist in Revelation 3:20?

3 votes

If David wanted Joab killed, why did he leave it to Solomon instead of doing it himself?

3 votes

What does Paul mean by "ministers of a new covenant" in 2 Corinthians 3:6?

2 votes

Are the Sons of God divine or human in Job and Genesis 6?

2 votes

Why does Paul say that God doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands?

2 votes

In Ezekiel 4:9-13 what is the significance of eating defiled bread for 390 days?

2 votes

"Covenant" or "covenants" in Romans 9:4?

2 votes

Is there any evidence to support Beza's inclusion of εκ σου in Luke 1:35?

2 votes

Does ἐν αὐτῷ in Ephesians 1:9 refer to Father or Son?

2 votes

Why doesn't the ASV translate the accusative με in John 14:14?

2 votes

Who were the priests the LORD was referring to prior to the giving of the Law and the ordination of Aaron? (Exodus 19:22-24)

2 votes

Based on the wording of his prayers, did Jonah die inside the fish? Jonah 2:6

2 votes

Does Isaiah 7:14 rule out the possibility of sex during the miraculous pregnancy?

2 votes

Are there non-Rabbinical hermeneutics that recognize deliberate, non-chronological ordering of texts in the Pentateuch?

2 votes

Is it significant that Paul's Introductory phrases for each of his letters different?