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user21676's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
4 votes

How is Abiather linked to the house of Eli?

3 votes

Are Luke 7:1-10 and John 4:46-54 describing the same historic event?

2 votes

Why does the 1 Samuel 10:27 paragraph found in 4QSamª not appear in other texts?

2 votes

Hebrew Ben Chayyim Second Rabbinic Bible is missing Joshua 6:9 to 7:1

2 votes

Does Jesus misquote Psalm 110: Who is speaking to whom?

2 votes

In 1 Kings 11:29-32 what happened to the 12th piece of the robe?

1 vote

Did Priests in the Old Testament Ever Eat The Entrails?

1 vote

In Judges 14, is it fourth or seventh day?

1 vote

Is it possible that Saint Mark's account of Christ's prediction of Saint Peter's denials is doctored?

1 vote

What was the name of the king of Persia at the time of the rebuilding of Jerusalem?

1 vote

Was Rahab the Harlot contemporary with Salmon?

1 vote

Who were the priests the LORD was referring to prior to the giving of the Law and the ordination of Aaron? (Exodus 19:22-24)

1 vote

Did Moses beseech God twice?

1 vote

Did Job mention Adam in 31:33?

1 vote

When was Peter's mother-in-law healed? Chronological contradiction?

1 vote

( Chronicles 26:20-28) Differences/Similarities between treasures of the dedicated gifts and the treasures of the house of God

1 vote

Why are there two Shimei's mentioned in 1 Chronicles 23 verses 9 and 10?

0 votes

When was the Book of Ruth set?

0 votes

Looking for passage in Jeremaiah about keeping faith

0 votes

When Jesus asked for a miracle to be kept secret, was he fulfilling any specific scriptures?

0 votes

Is there any evidence to support Beza's inclusion of εκ σου in Luke 1:35?

0 votes

Why is Caleb said to be from the tribe of Judah in Numbers 13:6?

0 votes

Is the 480 years mentioned in 1 Kings 6 accurate?

0 votes

Who wrote the second set of tablets in Exodus 34:27 & Deutoronomy 10:1-4?

0 votes

Why would marrying Ruth have impaired the Redeemer's inheritance?

0 votes

Did Absalom have 3 sons (2 Samuel 14:27) or none (2 Samuel 18:18)?

0 votes

What factors attest Nehemiah 7:68 is, or is not original to Nehemiah?

-1 votes

Why does God tell Abram to bring THESE animals?