I am a Christian, of the Orthodox confession; by profession I am a philologist and a medievalist with a concentration on medieval philosophy (especially Neoplatonism and its influence on Christianity, and vice versa, the latter’s influence on the former). I believe in the inspired nature of the Bible, and yet I believe that the Holy Spirit also gave deep insights into things divine to other, non-Biblical cultures of which I know best the Classical Greek intellectual tradition: Plato's, Sophocles', Homer's etc. great insights, sometimes even deeper than those of the Biblical prophets, are impossible without divine gifts and they in many respects comply with the salvational Truth revealed fully in the New Testament. Surely, the Classical Greek wisdom avails for nothing in the task of eternal salvation, which is only through Christ, but it can be used by Christians quite fruitfully. Spirit breathes where He wishes to, and thus Christians in no way should be encapsulated only in the Bible, but read extensively the great world literature and philosophy to discover and appreciate there the working of the Spirit.