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  • Member for 8 years
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16 votes

What are the implications of the recent finding in Vatican Library in relation to Matt 12:1?

9 votes

Why is there a separation between Luke and Acts?

8 votes

John 3:36 Whoever Does Not Believe (Disobeys?)

5 votes

What ancient practice did Jesus have in mind , when he said of salt being thrown out as waste?

4 votes

Should the word "free" appear in Romans 6:23 as an adjective to "gift"?

4 votes

Galatians 4:14. Paul says that Jesus is Angel of the Lord?

4 votes

How does Paul say God separated him from his mother's womb in Galatians 1:15?

4 votes

What is the basis of using "Away from", "Separated from" etc. to translate "apo" in 2 Thessalonians 1:9?

4 votes

Are there two separate reasons given for wanting to stone Jesus?

4 votes

Why are the four gospel accounts of the empty tomb so different and how do we reconcile them?

4 votes

Was Isaiah completely naked for three years or just wearing undergarments?

4 votes

On the topic of worry in his Sermon on the Mount, why did Jesus not address the fundamental human need for shelter?

3 votes

"but" deliver us from evil

3 votes

Romans 2:12-16 Pagan Gentiles or Christian Gentiles

3 votes

Marriage to a non-believer allowed in 1 Corinthians 7:12?

3 votes

What is the logic behind the Jews' reasoning which led them to conclude that Jesus was "making himself God" in John 10:22-39?

3 votes

Does Romans 5:12 say that we inherit the sin of Adam and Eve?

3 votes

Will the Messiah save us from sin or will the Messiah come to those who repent?

3 votes

How might the NLT justify putting "diakonon" as "deacon" in view of John 2:9?

3 votes

Why do Bible translators translate slaves to servant?

3 votes

Did the twelve tribes of Israel continue to exist after dispersion by Assyria?

3 votes

In John 1:1-3, translated pronouns as "him" or "it"? (Neuter or masculine?)

3 votes

Is the church at the time of the book of James meeting in synagogues?

3 votes

Is Paul being a bit extreme with his "wish" that they should mutilate themselves in Galatians 5:12?

3 votes

Why is John 5:4 missing in the NIV?

3 votes

John 18:5 The Great I AM has become I am he

3 votes

Is there a tool to lookup all instances in the Bible where a particular verb is used with a certain stem, type, person, gender, or number?

3 votes

Is Paul quoting scriptures in 2 Timothy 2:19

3 votes

"Knowledge of God" in Romans 1:28

3 votes

Is the Law eternal?

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