6 votes

Why did Jesus appear to despair before dying on the cross in Mark and Matthew?

Leading up to his death on a cross, Jesus knew what lay ahead of him even before he was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. His prayer then teaches much about seeking God's strength to proceed into ...
Anne's user avatar
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Why did Jesus appear to despair before dying on the cross in Mark and Matthew?

A prayer may be addressed to God (to God as such or, perhaps, to the Father) which is questioning, which is expressed in adversity, which may have a tome of perplexity, of need, and even of a query as ...
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Why did Jesus appear to despair before dying on the cross in Mark and Matthew?

Just worth pointing out... Superman was never my favorite superhero. It's easy to be confident when you're indestructable. Similarly, Jesus' singularity of purpose is easy to imagine if he's got a ...
Cristobol Polychronopolis's user avatar
3 votes

Why did Jesus appear to despair before dying on the cross in Mark and Matthew?

It points to prophecy One possible reason is that Jesus is quoting the opening to Psalm 22, a Psalm which vividly foretold his crucifixion and resurrection, providing yet more evidence to those there (...
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Is "all things" the correct translation of "πάντα" in Mark 10:27 and Matthew 19:26?

The Greek word πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν, πάντα must be defined with great care so as not to make it say more than was intended. BDAG defines five different meanings for this word: pertaining to totality with ...
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