6 votes

Could Luke have interviewed Mary for his gospel? (Luke 1:2)

This is a very common view, though it is not explicitly stated in Luke's Gospel. If we consider Luke a reliable historian (see my work here arguing that he is), then it is almost certain that he had a ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
4 votes

Why did the angel speak to Mary in the future tense (Lk. 1:26-38)?

The OP has answered the question. As is well-known Greek has three forms of the verb action: active voice where the subject carries out the action on something else middle voice where the subject ...
Dottard's user avatar
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2 votes

Could Luke have interviewed Mary for his gospel? (Luke 1:2)

The main internal evidence for Luke's having interviewed Mary is the fact that Mary was present in the early church. (Acts 1:14) This was not long after the Resurrection and would put Mary in her late ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
2 votes

“Most blessed are you among women" Luke 1:42 Judges 5:24

One wrestles to find a direct link between the OT and NT passages. But if our attention shifts to the parallel context in Luke 1:28, we have some fruitful meat to chew on. The state of the text Luke 1:...
Epimanes's user avatar
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Could Luke have interviewed Mary for his gospel? (Luke 1:2)

It is inherently dangerous to speculate given how differently women were viewed in the 1st century. Women were considered "UNRELIABLE" as witnesses. The fact that Mary isnt quoted should ...
Rob's user avatar
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“Most blessed are you among women" Luke 1:42 Judges 5:24

I am not sure there is a definite answer to this question but here are a few suggestions. Mary Mary is remembered for several personal characteristics including: humility, bravery (for the nasty ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Why do we follow Jesus blood line through his father? When he did not physically come from Joseph?

Lineage in ancient Judaism was traced through the father. That is the reason why Jesus' lineage was traced through Joseph and not Mary. Also in terms of biblical precedent, all of the genealogical ...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
1 vote

“Most blessed are you among women" Luke 1:42 Judges 5:24

Jael is one among a number of women in the OT who can be viewed as types for whom Mary is the antitype. Old Testament Types of Mary The Old Testament anticipates, announces, and points to the New ...
Nhi's user avatar
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“Most blessed are you among women" Luke 1:42 Judges 5:24

In addition to a fulsome answer here, invoking Numbers 6:25 to show that "the source/cause of the blessing is found in God's grace", Numbers chapter 5 reveals another connection between this ...
Anne's user avatar
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