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Could a written name in the book of Life be blot out (erased)?

In Ps 69:28 we find this: May they be blotted out of the Book of Life and not listed with the righteous. Recall that this was written under divine inspiration, but King David. There are numerous ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Do the 'vessels of wrath' have libertarian free will? Romans 9:14-24

This isn't the conclusion I'd reach from a wider biblical basis, but hermeneutically this passage is an open-and-shut case to me. The authorial intent is as clear as can possibly be: So then it ...
Steve can help's user avatar
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If an individual sins because God "hardened their heart", does that make God the direct responsible of the sin (i.e. a sinner)?

Introduction Sin is not the consequence of a hardened heart, it is the natural disposition of mankind after the fall. The hardening induced by God is related to the response to the opportunity for ...
Pieter Rousseau's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a contradiction between John 6:44 and Matthew 22:14?

There are 4 verbs relevant to the contradiction analysis: draw & come (John) call & choose (Matthew) If "draw" is paired with "call" and "come" is paired with &...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
3 votes

Do the 'vessels of wrath' have libertarian free will? Romans 9:14-24

There are two categories mentioned in Romans 9:23 and 24. the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: [Romans 9:22 KJV] the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, [Romans 9:23 KJV]...
Nigel J's user avatar
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What is the deeper contextual meaning of Mark 4:11's "outside"?

Mark 4:10-12 has nothing to do with Calvinism vs Arminianism for two reasons: This text is not quoted by either side in support of their case The very fact that it is so easy to explain in text on ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Isn't 1 samuel 19:20-21 a violation of freewill

Human freedom has limitations. You cannot fly without a mechanism such as an airplane. You are not superman. Drinking poison has consequences. Saul and his solders had exercised their free will ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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Free Will in the Old Testament

I'm not sure how you could read the Tanach ("Old Testament") and come away thinking that man has no free will. First off, the whole idea of G-d commanding Israel to fulfill commandments, ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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Free Will in the Old Testament

The apostle Paul addresses this issue in the book of Romans 9 concerning Jacob and Esau, he states the fact that before twins were even born or before they did anything good or bad, in order that God'...
Logan Kapula's user avatar
2 votes

Could a written name in the book of Life be blot out (erased)?

I see a few good answers but, what is missing here? Where is the Holy Spirit in all of this? OSAS is the truth. How so? Thanks for asking. John 14:16-18 16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall ...
Michael's user avatar
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What does "free" eleutheroi mean in "you will be free indeed." John 8:36?

The basic take of this question is a presupposition that since what we call "free action", "free choice" can be caused either by previous causes and thus cannot be free, or is ...
Levan Gigineishvili's user avatar
2 votes

What does "free" eleutheroi mean in "you will be free indeed." John 8:36?

Responsibility to choose does not equate with “free will”. And not until the Son has truly set us free can we first see that all our choices up till then were made on the basis of being enslaved – to ...
Anne's user avatar
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What is the deeper contextual meaning of Mark 4:11's "outside"?

This isn't about salvation The word for "outside" is simply the well-known word "exo". There are no clues their. However, "outside" is being contrasted with "you&...
Kyle Johansen's user avatar
2 votes

Is there a contradiction between John 6:44 and Matthew 22:14?

Many are called by the gospel. Multitudes hear some degree of gospel and respond to that word that is preached. But that is not 'coming' to Christ himself. Within the vast multitude of persons ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Did the pagan nations have free will in Joshua 11 before being annihilated?

Let there be no doubt that the destruction recorded in the book of Joshua appears, at first glance, to be harsh and significant: Josh 5:13ff – Jericho destroyed Josh 8 – Ai destroyted Josh 10 – ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Why does God condition his divine intervention and mercy on intercessory prayer? Ezekiel 22:29-31

This response hopefully provides something for consideration. First, the contention is with the land, and not man, that is, not those that inhabit it. The earth is not* inanimate. It is not a neutral ...
Dave's user avatar
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What does "free" eleutheroi mean in "you will be free indeed." John 8:36?

Jesus is making it clear that even though they may have come from Abraham it does not mean they are free. It was through the seed of Abraham that they were missing… They did not realize Christ was the ...
Sherrie 's user avatar
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What does "free" eleutheroi mean in "you will be free indeed." John 8:36?

The phrase after ἐλευθερώσῃ, ὄντως ἐλεύθεροι ⸀ἔσεσθε, means "you will really/indeed be free. ὄντως means really, certainly, in truth (BADG), the word giving the meaning indeed. Jesus answered ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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What did Paul mean by "and give no opportunity to the devil" in Ephesians 4:27? Give no opportunity for what?

Although I don't see a legal right to temptation arising from these verses on their own (though Paul certainly acknowledges they will be tempted, see appendix for more on free will), I propose that ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
1 vote

Does Matthew 11:20-24 indicate that Jesus possesses 'Middle knowledge' (knowledge of counterfactuals of freedom)?

Rom. 11:33 states, "How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions and his methods." God has all knowledge. That includes foreknowledge, present knowledge and all that can be known....
Rick's user avatar
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Does Matthew 11:20-24 indicate that Jesus possesses 'Middle knowledge' (knowledge of counterfactuals of freedom)?

Question 1 I would not go so far as to say that middle knowledge is required by this text, but the text is certainly consistent with middle knowledge. Stating the predicate of a counterfactual (e.g. ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
1 vote

How were the elect elected in Romans 11:7?

How were the elect elected in Romans 11:7? Romans 11:7 (ESV): 7 What then? Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. The elect obtained it, but the rest were hardened, The elect are those people ...
Ozzie  Ozzie's user avatar
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How were the elect elected in Romans 11:7?

The elect are those found in Christ. “even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined (set the GPS destination ...
Nihil Sine Deo's user avatar
1 vote

Is God's foreknowledge (1 Peter 1) compatible with the belief in libertarian free will?

Is God's foreknowledge (1 Peter 1) compatible with the belief in libertarian free will Yes it is Similarly, how can God know beforehand who are going to be the elect if they can make use of their free ...
Ozzie  Ozzie's user avatar
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Is God's foreknowledge (1 Peter 1) compatible with the belief in libertarian free will?

What this post is not This is not a positive argument demonstrating the existence of free will. I believe that is a question better suited to: Philosophy - showing that it is irrational to believe ...
Hold To The Rod's user avatar
1 vote

Is God's foreknowledge (1 Peter 1) compatible with the belief in libertarian free will?

The foreknowledge of God and the human free will of mankind is a mystery that cannot be fully explained. Here is my pathetic attempt using an earthly illustration. A very good experienced classroom ...
Dottard's user avatar
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