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How did Nephilim reappear after the flood?

Great question! Although, when discussing the Nephilim we are not afforded the luxury of certainty, we still have the capacity of right thinking. Genesis 6:4 (HCSB) The Nephilim were on the earth ...
N.Ish's user avatar
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Why didn't Noah's righteousness/faith save his generation in Genesis 7?

First, regarding Abraham. Note that it would not be the righteousness of Abraham that could potentially secure the saving of all the inhabitants in the Sodom and Gomorrah region. That would require ...
Anne's user avatar
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What is the significance of Noah's name?

While OP poses his question in these terms... What then is the significance of Noah's name meaning "rest" or "comfort" and how does it relate to the flood narrative? ...I will adjust that slightly ...
Dɑvïd's user avatar
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Hebrew Text Indicative of a Local or Global Flood?

I must take issue with the idea that "The author clearly meant it to be understood as a global event." This is not even a possibility! The Hebrew author, whomever one wants to say he was, was not ...
Yah is Good's user avatar
3 votes

How do the waters of Noah's flood correspond to baptism (1 Peter 3:21)?

How do the waters of Noah's flood correspond to baptism (1 Peter 3:21)? The whole earth was covered with water. All wicked people were wiped out. When the earth was flooded people either lived or ...
Michael's user avatar
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The Nephilim and Abortions?

The word for a miscarried child is nephel (נֵפֶל, cf. Job 3:16), not naphil (נָפִיל). The word "abortion" (הַפָּלָה in later Hebrew) doesn't appear in the Bible (discounting this case). Exodus 21:22 ...
b a's user avatar
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Which water is Peter referring to in 2 Peter 3:5-7?

The waters in 2 Pet 3:5 are those from which the Earth was formed. So it refers to Gen 1, before the waters were separated and dry land appeared. 2 Pet 3:6 refers to the flood/deluge, likely of Gen ...
習約塔's user avatar
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How did Nephilim reappear after the flood?

From the Bible account we may conclude that the Nephilim existed before the Flood, as well for a time period after that cataclysm. In fact Genesis 6:4 says: "In that period [בַּיָּמִים הָהֵם], the ...
Saro Fedele's user avatar
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In Genesis 6:7, God states that He will destroy both man and beast from the face of the earth. Why were ocean creatures omitted?

Why were ocean animals spared from this destruction if "man to all animals to creeping things to birds of the sky" would all perish? Fish are not in the categories of man, animals, creeping ...
Robert's user avatar
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Were animals not afraid of people before the flood?

Two things occurred after the flood: Gen 9:2 - The fear and dread of you will fall on every living creature on the earth, every bird of the air, every creature that crawls on the ground, and all the ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Does the usage of "all" in Matthew 24:37-39 indicate that Jesus believed in a global flood, encompassing all people worldwide?

The comparison of Jesus' words is that of the world at the time when the Son of man shall return ; and that of 'all' who were 'taken away' in the days of Noah. ... came the flood and took away all ......
Nigel J's user avatar
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Does the usage of "all" in Matthew 24:37-39 indicate that Jesus believed in a global flood, encompassing all people worldwide?

The operative adjective in Matt 24:39 is ἅπας (hapas) = "all, the whole, completely". The meaning of this word can be drawn from three lines of evidence: Source #1 - Matt 24:38, 39a For in ...
Dottard's user avatar
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What is the object which "saves" in 1 Peter 3:21? and is it's context connected to v. 16 conscience

Introduction Water Baptism When we are baptised, we are submerged into water (symbolising our burial with Christ) in the name of the Trinity and then we are raised up (symbolising our resurrection ...
R. Brown's user avatar
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Is Jesus implying that his second coming will be a literal, extraordinary worldwide event akin to Noah's flood? Matthew 24:36-44

This is one of the most commonly misunderstood passages in the Bible. First, Matthew 24:36 is not addressing Jesus' second coming. Jesus' sentence doesn't really end there, but continues, explaining ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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Is Jesus implying that his second coming will be a literal, extraordinary worldwide event akin to Noah's flood? Matthew 24:36-44

Is Jesus implying that his 2nd coming will be a literal worldwide event as in the days of Noah? Matthew 24:36-44 Answer: Absolutely. My post on this subject may not be the popular one. It is ...
Xeno's user avatar
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Is Jesus implying that his second coming will be a literal, extraordinary worldwide event akin to Noah's flood? Matthew 24:36-44

The description of Jesus' second coming in Matt 24 is both grand, big and dramatics, eg, V27 - visible from east to west V29 - sun and moon darkened and stars shaken V30 - all the peoples of the ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Are there Hebrew linguistic connections between the images of Creation and the Flood

This is a very important concept and is part of what is known as the creation archetype: that is, creation is both a metaphor and motif that often appears, in some areas, pervades the stories of ...
Dottard's user avatar
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What Exactly Were The FloodGates & "Springs of the Deep" In Genesis 7?

My understanding comes partly from having read the book 'The Genesis Flood' by Morris and Whitcomb in about the year 1968 when I was seventeen years old and I still am influenced by it. See the ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Based on Genesis 7 verse 20 - Did 29,054.2 Feet (29,031.7 Feet + 22.5 Feet) of גֶּ֖שֶׁם "Rain" fall during הַמַּבּ֣וּל The-Flood?

Your analysis is reasoned out. However, you need to consider scripture, not just reasoning… GEN 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, ...
Dave's user avatar
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Based on Genesis 7 verse 20 - Did 29,054.2 Feet (29,031.7 Feet + 22.5 Feet) of גֶּ֖שֶׁם "Rain" fall during הַמַּבּ֣וּל The-Flood?

This is a question skeptics like to ask, but they usually do not consider that the very mountains by which they try to estimate the height of the waters were pushed up to such lofty altitudes by the ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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Did the raven return back after being sent by Noah Genesis 8:6-7?

By the expression "to a fro" we can infer that the raven was going back and forth from the ark. The Hebrew verbs to which this preposition phrase is converted in English mean "going ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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The Rainbow, its absence, its sudden appearance

The "firmament" which God created on Day 2 of creation week actually meant something akin to "firm" in the original Hebrew, hence this English translation. Some creation-believing ...
Biblasia's user avatar
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Why didn't God speak to the waters to subside in Genesis 8:1?

Indeed, there is a greater similarity between Gen 1:2 and Gen 8:1 that it first appears: the same preposition עַל (al) = "on/over" is used in both places the same noun רוּחַ (ruah) = "...
Dottard's user avatar
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Elam and Assur, sons of Shem, were born before/during the Flood?

This "problem" of genealogical priority in the descendants of Shem as recorded in Gen 10 is less of a problem that it appears. In solving this, we need to recall several facts: Only eight ...
Dottard's user avatar
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What is the cross reference of OT to Mtt 24:37-38?

There were 8 generations inbetween Adam and Noah. Seth, Enosh, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, and Lamech (Noah's father.) Bear in mind that, back then, age-spans were phenomenal, being ...
Anne's user avatar
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Are there Hebrew linguistic connections between the images of Creation and the Flood

YES, there are several Hebrew phrases repeated between Genesis 1 and the various chapters in the Flood narrative, so much so that I think the Flood narrative is consciously referencing Genesis 1. The ...
Richard Fitzhugh's user avatar

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