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Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

According to Genesis 9:1 Ham had already been blessed by God And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth God word is final so when Ham ...
Magic Ex's user avatar
4 votes

Why was Rachel buried along the road and not in the family tomb in the Cave of Machpelah?

The word used is buried (qbr), but we should not assume that refers to only modern-style graves and not tombs. For example, in Genesis 23, Abraham offers to buy land to gbr Sarah (23:4). The people he ...
Frank Luke's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the relationship between Melchizedek (Gen. 14) and Adonizedek (Josh. 19)

There is no strong evidence of the relationship between Adonizedek and Melchizedek, although both were kings. But both are compound names. Adonizedek means "My Lord is Just" while Mechizedek ...
Jean Gotopo's user avatar
3 votes

Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

My understanding is that "Ham, the father of Canaan, SAW THE NAKEDNESS OF HIS FATHER" is an euphemism. Lev_18:8 The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's ...
ארקדיוס's user avatar
2 votes

Why Was Terah Travelling to Canaan?

Answer based on the text There's no motive given or hinted at in the text or elsewhere, so I'm afraid the only answer I can perceive is 'no' - there is no way to explain Terach's attempt to travel to ...
Steve can help's user avatar
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Why does Noah curse Canaan?

Whatever the act perpretated by Ham, whether merely seeing his father naked, or taking advantage of Noah's drunken stupor to homosexually rape him, in Genesis 9:24-25 Noah clearly regards it as worthy ...
Dick Harfield's user avatar
2 votes

Disappearing Girgashites

Rabbinic tradition (for example, here) says that the Girgashites left the country and went to Africa (an interpolated note there says specifically Morocco). Interestingly, Procopius (History of the ...
Meir's user avatar
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Disappearing Girgashites

The Girgashites were of Canaan, the fourth listed son of Ham. (Gen. 10:6). "15 And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth, 16 And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite, 17 ...
Gina's user avatar
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Why was Rachel buried along the road and not in the family tomb in the Cave of Machpelah?

Jacob could have buried Rachel at Machphelah if he had really wanted to. After all, Joseph died in Egypt, but still his final resting place was in Israel! But Jacob knew Rachel was not the ancestor ...
Andrew Shanks's user avatar
2 votes

Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

Noah pronounced the curse directly on Canaan because the cursing of Ham had the implications of a generational curse. Noah was not just going to be satisfied at seeing Ham suffer for his wrongdoing. ...
Ernest Abinokhauno's user avatar
2 votes

The meaning of Deuteronomy 28:43 and its fulfillment

"Strangers" in the OT are non-Israelites living in the land of Israel. The term is גָּר (gār). Although normally translated as "stranger," Strong's gives its primary definition as &...
Dan Fefferman's user avatar
2 votes

The meaning of Deuteronomy 28:43 and its fulfillment

The entire chapter of Deut 28 outlines the blessings and curses of the Israelite covenant; specifically: Deut 28:1-14 lists the blessings of obedience (V1) Deut 28:15-68 lists the curses of ...
Dottard's user avatar
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How does Stephen say God gave no inheritance to Abraham in Acts 7:5?

Abraham bought the field rather than receiving it as an inheritance from God. The field purchased by Abraham (Gen. 23:9–17) was not a gift from God. -- Robertson, A. T. (1933). Word Pictures in the ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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Who were the Hivites, mentioned at Genesis 34:2?

The Hivites appear in just 25 verses, all in the OT, and all but six of the verses appear in the Pentateuch or Joshua. If you remove the verses in which they are mentioned in lists, we learn just one ...
globewalldesk's user avatar
1 vote

Did Joshua doubt God's word in Joshua 7:7?

Did Joshua doubt God's word in Joshua 7:7? On the surface, it may look that way, but let's look at the context and sequence of events. In chapter 6, we see the events of the destruction of Jericho and ...
agarza's user avatar
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What would the new occupiers eat if they didn't harvest for 4 years

The answer is in Deuteronomy 6:10-12: When the LORD your God brings you into the land that he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give you — with great and good cities that ...
Lois Tverberg's user avatar
1 vote

Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

There are a lot of questions on this site that ask for details of events that aren't provided in the scriptures, and I'm not sure what questionners are expecting to get other than speculation. So I'll ...
Robert's user avatar
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Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

Ham's son Canaan was cursed because Ham had "seen" his father's nakedness while he was in a drunken state. The word "nakedness" in Hebrew is highly significant here. Using the ...
Polyhat's user avatar
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Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

Brethren, your contributions really broadened my literal knowledge of the curse/curses by Noah on Canaan instead of Ham the offender as stated in Genesis chapter 9, verses 24-27. Let's note the ...
Taiwo Sunday Akanbi's user avatar
1 vote

Why did Noah Curse Canaan and not Ham?

When the incident takes place, all four of Ham's sons are already born. Pronouncing the curse upon Canaan narrows the parameters of the curse to only one line of Ham's descendants. It was not uncommon ...
oldhermit's user avatar
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Why was Rachel buried along the road and not in the family tomb in the Cave of Machpelah?

Unless there was words of the deceased, otherwise the Scripture usually described the deaths were buried in where they died. Genesis 35:8 - Now Deborah, Rebekah’s nurse, died and was buried under the ...
Vincent Wong's user avatar
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Why was Rachel buried along the road and not in the family tomb in the Cave of Machpelah?

According to the sources I check it was under 14 miles from Bethlehem to Machphelah. Even if your mileage is correct (20) then walking at a slow speed of 2 miles an hour and given short rest periods ...
Richard kean's user avatar
1 vote

As a King within Canaan, did Melchizedek's priesthood serve any group of Canaanites in those times? Gen 14:18?

We have extremely limited data about Melchizedek - even the book of Hebrews describes him as a man without mother and father (Heb 7:3), ie, without genealogy. What we do know about him is the ...
Dottard's user avatar
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As a King within Canaan, did Melchizedek's priesthood serve any group of Canaanites in those times? Gen 14:18?

MelchizedeK (King of Right)High Priest served the most high God, El Elyon, El shaddai later the scriptures reveal this same God is Yahweh or Yehova. The canaanites are not as everyone would believe. ...
Melkizedek's user avatar
1 vote

Isaiah 14:12 - relationship to Canaanite religion

That is interesting. In the Hebrew Interlinear, Isa. 14:12 transliteration "helel ben-sahar", or "son of the morning" was referring to the king of Babylon, not Satan. Maybe God used the very words ...
Gina's user avatar
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