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How is it fair for God to punish the prophet for listening to the prophet who deceived him?

How is it fair for God to punish the [younger] prophet for listening to the prophet who deceived him? Answer: It is irrelevant what the older prophet told the younger. In this scenario, the man of God ...
Xeno's user avatar
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Did the sea hold 2000 or 3000 baths?

Here is a comparison of the pointed and unpointed text of 1 Kings 7:26: וְעָבְיֹו טֶפַח וּשְׂפָתֹו כְּמַעֲשֵׂה שְׂפַת־כֹּוס פֶּרַח שֹׁושָׁן אַלְפַּיִם בַּת יָכִֽיל ועביו טפח ושפתו כמעשה שפת-כוס פרח ...
Revelation Lad's user avatar
7 votes

Why doesn't the widow of Zarephath acknowledge God's commandment in 1 Kings 17?

The word "command" has a broader sense of meaning which includes the concept of "ordained" (i.e. "chosen"). It could also mean "appoint." For example, the ...
Biblasia's user avatar
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Does 1st Kings say that pi = 3?

Let us take a look at all the measures (of time, length, surface, and volume) involved in 1 Kings 6-7, describing the construction of Solomon's Temple : 1 Kings 6:1  In the four hundred and ...
6 votes

How long was the drought caused by Elijah's prayers?

There are three ways to reconcile the two passages. First, the word of the LORD came to Elijah in the third year. In the third year could mean at some time during the third year. For example, ...
Revelation Lad's user avatar
6 votes

Why is it significant for the author to point out that no iron tools were used on the site of Solomon's temple? (1 Kings 6:7)

This is because the stone was already honed from the quarry from which it was taken so it did not require to be chizzeled or hammered at the building sight. It only required to be put in position. ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Is the 480 years mentioned in 1 Kings 6 accurate?

As noted in the question, Paul's reciting of the history of the nation includes periods of time which when added together total 573 years: Led by God in the wilderness 40 years Given to judges ...
Revelation Lad's user avatar
6 votes

My little finger is thicker than my father’s waist

This sounded like a euphemism. Went with that in the search and found: But Rehoboam was having none of that wimpy stuff. He was ...
tblue's user avatar
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What exactly was Saul's sin that caused God to reject him and punish him?

The events of 1 Samuel ch13 should be compared with Samuel's instructions in a a previous chapter. "And you shall go down before me to Gilgal and behold I am coming to you to offer burnt ...
Stephen Disraeli's user avatar
5 votes

If David wanted Joab killed, why did he leave it to Solomon instead of doing it himself?

When men war side by side in life or death battle, a lifelong brotherhood is formed. That brotherhood can cover a multitude of sins; Uriah's murder, the census, even the ugly reality of taking life in ...
Lee DeMatos's user avatar
5 votes

Did Ahab mislead Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22:29?

I do not think that any lying or deception was involved here at all. After-all, everyone was aware of all the facts and Ahab did not provide and misleading information; nor did he with hold any. The ...
Dottard's user avatar
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How old was Solomon when he became king?

When was Solomon born? Here is a step-by-step chronological look... David reigned 40 years. First seven years were in Hebron. David conquered Jerusalem, and moved Ark to Jerusalem in his 7th year. &...
DThornton's user avatar
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Was it sin for Solomon to sacrifice in the high places?

"High places" in Israel were places of pagan worship and are always condemned throughout the OT history. High places were locations of pagan alters and disgusting worship practices ranging ...
Dottard's user avatar
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1 Kings 20:35, 37-40 Isn't God telling the prophet to lie a violation of the commandment you shall not lie

The incident quoted by the OP is not the only case. Lying, or spreading what is untrue, or bearing false witness, are acts forbidden by the ninth commandment (Ex 20:16) and many other places (Lev 19:...
Dottard's user avatar
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1 Kings 19 Has Elijah fasted forty days and forty nights?

Great observation. It is presumed that this is the case. Consider the parallel with Moses, who did not eat for 40 days (Exodus 34:28; on Mt Sinai, the same mountain as Elijah), and then Jesus, who ...
Brainardo's user avatar
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Did Nathan and Bathsheba fabricate an oath regarding Solomon?

The OP wants to find whether 1 Kings contain the following hints within the narrative: Does the author intend us to understand that this oath is fabricated, such that Nathan and Bathsheba are ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
4 votes

Why did Ahab call the king of Syria his brother?

The word "brother" is commonly used in peace treaties. Here are some Hittite-Egyptian examples (not exactly contemporary, but still useful): Treaty between the Hittites and Egypt (1280 BCE) (ANET p. ...
b a's user avatar
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How is Abiather linked to the house of Eli?

Abiathar was evidently Eli's great-great-grandson(Abiathar the son of Ahimelech, the son of Ahitub, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli - 1 Samuel 22:20, 14:3).
user21676's user avatar
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Was the appointing of Solomon not contrary to the law in 1 Kings 1:28-30?

The narrative describing the conflict leading to Solomon's succeeding to David's throne in 1 Kings 1-2 is subtle and complex. However, there is no sense that there was a rule -- let alone a "law" -- ...
Dɑvïd's user avatar
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How can we reconcile the suppossed contradiction 1 Kings 7 & 2 Chronicles 2?

1. I Kings 7:13. he, son of a woman, a widow, of the tribe of Naphtali [Young's Literal] son of a woman, a widow, he, of the tribe of Naphtali [Green's Literal] A 'widow of the tribe of Naphtali' is ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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What are the lameds in the scribal annotations in the Aleppo Codex?

The annotation can be found here on the left page, to the right of the rightmost column, near the top. This column is a couple words into 1 Kings 18:27 : I see that I remembered it wrong: it's just ...
Luke Sawczak's user avatar
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Building temple in I Kings 6

Gold, like lead, can be fashioned with wooden tools. Lead flashings on roofs are still, to this day, fashioned with the same wooden tools used in Roman times. I have done it myself when I did an ...
Nigel J's user avatar
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Why does the KJV translate בָּאֲפֵ֖ר as ashes in 1 Kings 20:38

The root אפר, vocalized with a "tzeirei" vowel ('ey' sound, looks like ..) under the aleph, means ashes. Here, it's vocalized with a 'patach' ('ah' sound, looks like _ ) under the aleph and ...
Binyomin's user avatar
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Did Ahab mislead Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22:29?

Apology: My Bible study took a couple of hours, by which time Dottard had posted his answer (which I think is very good). I had prepared my answer in a story-telling format, then hesitated to post it, ...
Lesley's user avatar
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Did Ahab mislead Jehoshaphat in 1 Kings 22:29?

It should be noted, first of all, that Don Isaac Abarbanel, in his commentary on that verse, suggests that the Hebrew התחפש (translated above as "I will disguise myself") actually is related ...
Meir's user avatar
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How old was Solomon when he became king?

The age of Solomon is not recorded. However, we have the following facts that suggest, in agreement with most non-Biblical sources, that Solomon was about 20 years old when he became king. he ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Angels touching humans in the Bible

Both the short and long answer to this question is - We do not know anything about what "bodies" spirits have. The reason? We are told nothing about them. 1 Cor 15 makes a clear ...
Dottard's user avatar
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Wouldn't a relative of Naboth inherit his vineyard after he dies?

Do you think his relatives didn't know what happened? Would you want be the relative to take possession and be the next in line to be stoned? Stoning occurred in public. His relatives would know ...
Perry Webb's user avatar
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