The highly contrived story of the seven brothers all marrying one widow was specifically concocted by the Sadducees ("*who say there is no resurrection*", Matt 22:23, Mark 12:18, Luke 20:27, Acts 23:8) in an attempt to show that the resurrection from the dead is inconsistent with the sacred teachings of the Torah. Thus, it was an attempt at entrapment, see V15 & 34. Thus, their logic would have gone something like this: - The Torah requires that a widow marries her brother-in-law. This could happen, say, seven times - **IF** there is a resurrection, she will have been married to multiple men and thus, after the resurrection will have multiple husbands - Such is not permitted by the Torah - Therefore, the doctrine of the resurrection must be wrong The Latin name for such an argument is "*reductio ad absurdum*". Thus, their question was designed to trap Jesus and show that what He was teaching about the resurrection was not consistent with Torah. **APPENDIX - The Four Questions/Riddles of Matt 22** Note that Matt 22 contains a series of question posed by different groups with the sole intention of silencing Jesus by logical entrapment, V15 & 34. Finally Jesus poses a question that silences His attackers. - V15-22 - Pharisees ask about paying taxes to Caesar - V23-22 - Sadducees ask about marriage after the resurrection - V34-40 - Pharisees ask about the greatest commandment - V41-46 - Jesus asks about the Christ - Whose Son is He?