I came across a web page belonging to a christian person/org.

The page (carrying on a trait I find frequent among christian fundamentalist web sites) critiques other fundamentalist christian traditions as "false teachings".

The subject that caught me was the view on Deut 22:5 expressed in the page.

The gist of the opinion is that the page says that 


should not be translated as "man" but as "warrior" and 


should be implements(weapons, armour), rather than clothing.

So that I get that page would have wanted the following translation

לא יהיה<br/>
Not to be

כלי גבר<br/>
implements of warrior

on woman

ו לֹא לבשׁ<br/>
and not to wear 

a warrior

שׂמלת אשּה<br/>
a woman's clothing.

The page explains that the verse does not forbid a woman to put on men's clothing but rather forbids a woman from taking up the arms of a warrior, that a woman is forbidden from becoming a soldier.

I did not read what it would mean that "a warrior should not wear a woman's clothing". If you were he/she (the author of the page), would he/she have meant that a warrior should not be a sissy?

Please comment.