I'm still a fledgling translating/interpreting the Hebrew. That said, I see no way that 'bread' can be interpreted from the Hebrew in the last phrase of 1Sam 21:8.

Preliminary assessment is that David said something against anointed Saul and the scribe intentionally made the phrase ambiguous.

1Sam. 21:5 - ...vessels-of the-lads holiness. Saul/hua way-of/drk profane/ch(u)l and-indeed/u-aph from/ki the-day he-is-being-hallowed/iqdsh in-vessel/b-kli.

Basically saying that Saul was profane from the day he was anointed. 

In 1Sam. 21:8 - Sounds like David is saying that he took no weapons with him because the 'matter (insanity) of the king' required haste (to preserve David's life and following the instructions of David's God in 1Sam. 21:2).

It's a work in progress, of course.