The book was [accepted into the canon at the Council of Carthage in 397 AD.](  

It was, at the time when the canon was being constructed, [believed to be authored]( by [the Apostle John](  Anything written by one of the disciples of Jesus tends to be held sacred.

There was some [opposition to its inclusion](  One of the views against this was that it was one of the main books of [Montanism](, which was considered heretical at that the time.  [Gregory of Nazianzus]( argued against its inclusion due to the difficult in interpretation and the possibility of abuse.

However there was a precedence of it being included in the canon that extended back to the 2nd century.

Given the tradition of it being included in the early pre-cursors to the canon and it's generally accepted authorship from an apostle, the book was included in the canon.