"[Beyond the Basics](https://books.google.com/books?id=XlqoTVsk2wcC&pg=PA487&lpg=PA487&dq=%22The+imperative+is+often+used+to+express+a+request.+This+is+normally+seen+when+the+speaker+is+addressing+a+superior.%22&source=bl&ots=DAGita0y_N&sig=ACfU3U2HuLE8BNkXb3NhyHYfFLw0dsGZGg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-5omdgMz7AhVwnGoFHQ9ICegQ6AF6BAgDEAM)" Part II, Section "Mood", Chapter IV: "The Imperative Mood", describes Option 3 for the imperative mood: > Request, a.k.a. Entreaty, Polite Command: > > The imperative is often used to express a request. This is normally > seen when the speaker is addressing a superior. Imperatives (almost > always in the aorist tense) directed toward God in prayers fit this > category.