I would translate 1 Timothy 2:12 like this:
What's more, I do not allow a woman to teach nor to usurp the authority of a man, but to be silent.
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To get a fuller picture of what Paul is saying about teaching, he says this in 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 -- which I would translate as:
34 Women in the assemblies: let them hold their peace, since it is not permitted for them to speak. Yes, and let them subject themselves in obedience, just as the law says. 35 However, if some desire to learn, let them ask their own husbands at home. Indeed, it is a dishonourable thing for a woman to speak in the assembly.
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In regard to the keeping of silence, it was only applicable during the assemblies. Paul made it clear, that if a wife had anything to contribute, she was free to ask her own husband in the privacy of her home. There was no attempt to gag woman here, only to maintain the hierarchy of ordained order, i.e. children -> mother -> father -> master -> king -> God, order that many of the assemblies were struggling to achieve, even among the leadership (men).