- http://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/22157/did-the-new-testament-writers-rely-on-the-hebrew-text
- http://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/22039/in-the-gospels-can-day-of-the-passover-be-interpreted-idiomatically
- http://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/21512/do-idioms-used-in-the-crucifixion-narrative-resolve-the-3-day-3-night-objectio
- http://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/8861/time-in-first-century-judaism
1. Question - a Reference Request
What are the earliest texts and evidences substantiating - which Calendar Day system was relied on by the earliest Christians - to interpret the Passover Narrative? - (Not the Crucifixion Narrative.)
It has been suggested that there are two/three Time-Keeping Systems:
- A.) Egyptian: which seems to have changed at some point;
- B.) Babylonian / Rabbinical System;
- C.) Roman: Roman Midnight, and Time Keeping - which seems to have been imposed on Egypt and Israel at some point;
2. Evidences Must be During Second Temple Period
Evidences must be before 217 CE, (before the Mishnah); - and certainly before 500 CE, (before the Talmud) - to avoid Circular Reasoning.
Thereby Excluding Chrysostom, and Anachronism/Presentism:
Homilies on Matthew (Chrysostom 349-407 CE), Homily 81 - ... he means the day before that feast; for they are accustomed always to reckon the day from the evening ...;
3. The Plain Meaning, Burden of Proof:
Given Objections insisting that "Plain Meaning" Answers be acceptable:
- Period Appropriate Rules of Exegesis: The "Plain Meaning" must be inferred - according to their rules of exegesis, (Peshat:, and see Ancient Pesher examples);
- Deducible / Objective: The meaning must: A.) Be deducible, from the text; B.) And, must necessarily exclude rival hypotheses, (or it would not be "Plain").
The burden of proof, is incredibly high: if it cannot be proven that Christians actually relied on the Hebrew Texts - in that period.