Without any intention to disrespect other viewpoints, I give below my understanding of this highly controversial topic:
Scripture basically provides Revelation which the physical human cannot otherwise know through equations or formulas; God cannot be analyzed in a test tube.
So, Scripture categorically says, “the Word was God and the Word was with God” in John 1:1.
Now the question is: how is this possible when there is only one God?
My exegesis might be controversial and may ruffle certain feathers.
I was amused to learn that the apostles of Jesus and the other NT writers consistently followed the tradition set by the Septuagint translators.
The latter translated the Hebrew word “Elohim
” into Greek as “Theos
” which later was translated into English as “God
”. They also translated “Yahweh
” and “Adonai
” into Greek as “Kurios
” which later was translated into English as “Lord
So, what is Elohim or who is Elohim=Theos=God?
Sequence of Information and IT
Information Technology says that meaningful information comes from a particular sequence of alphabets and words (“specified complexity”). This is true in the case of DNA language or computer programming language.
For example, try to read this:
We cannot read them because they are in random order without any meaning. I arrange the same alphabets in a different order/sequence:
"Who are you?"
Now we can read and understand them because the same alphabets are in a meaningful sequence. However, this is not what I wanted to say to you. So I rearrange the same alphabets again:
"How are you?"
Now the meaning has changed with just one shuffle.
There is a similar sequence of information in the language of Scripture we see in Genesis first chapter. Let us see that:
Gen 1:21
: “And God (Elohim) created the great sea animals, and all
that creeps, having a living soul, which swarmed the waters,
according to its kind (“genus” in Septuagint); and every bird with wing according to its kind (genus)”.
Gen 1:24
: “And God (Elohim) said, Let the earth bring forth the soul
of life according to its kind (genus): cattle, and creepers, and
its beasts of the earth, according to its kind (genus)”.
Gen 1:25
: “And God (Elohim) made the beasts of the earth according
to its kind (genus), and cattle according to its kind (genus),
and all creepers of the ground according to its kind (genus)”.
Gen 1: 26
: “And God (Elohim) said, let Us make man in Our
image, according to Our likeness”.
It is the sequence that verse 26 follows close on the heels of verse 25.
In effect verse 26 says:
‘And God (Elohim) said, let Us make man according to Our own kind (genus)’.
In other words, God (Elohim) created man according to the God (Elohim) kind!
So man is of the same genus or species as God is of! The only difference is that God is in the spiritual (“incorruptible”) realm but man is in the physical (“corruptible”) realm.
This explains why the great God Himself took all the pain to incarnate and pay the penalty for man’s sin.
This also explains how it was possible for God to incarnate as Man because God and man are of the same kind.
Elohim is a uni-plural word like “family”, “team”, “kind” etc and is used singularly but can denote plural sense.
For example, let us read the famous Shema:
“Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God (Elohim) is one Jehovah” (Deut 6:4).
And the same Jehovah Elohim says in Gen 3:22:
“And Jehovah God (Elohim) said, Behold! The man has become as one of
Thus we understand from the Revelation in the Scripture that Elohim=Theos=God is the supreme Kind or Genus or Family.
Now, we can understand that Father is God and the Word who was with the Father from eternity is God; yet there is only one God.
The holy Apostles also set another tradition in the New Testament: they consistently applied the term Elohim=Theos=God to Father God and Yahweh=Kurios=Lord to Jesus Christ.
[It is not a surprise that Apostle Paul applies Isaiah 45:23, which clearly referred to Yahweh, to Jesus Christ (Phlp 2:10-11). In effect, Paul says that a true Christian should confess that Jesus is Yahweh and should worship (“every knee should bow”) Him]
However, they were not hesitant to call God the Father as Lord and Lord Jesus Christ as God because Jesus was “monogenes” which means “of one kind”.
Thus the Word was God and the Word was with God. Yet there is only one God.