Context Means Everything Ezekiel was living during the tumultuous times when the end of the first Temple era was at hand. The corruption of Israel was beyond redemption and God was using the foreign nations from the North and East of Israel to destroy it, as per the warning of Deuteronomy 28. Hence the exclamation, The End, the End.
[The ancient prophet is not speaking of the "End of the whole world." The comments on your question concerning science are off on a rabbit trail.]
End of the Second Temple Era Just as the first verse mentioned dealt with an end of a specific time in Jewish history, so also, second verse dealt with an end of another Jewish section of time: the Second Temple Era.
Note that the disciples made a mistake in their questioning. They thought that the destruction of the grand Temple could only be accomplished by something so tragic as the "end of the world." (Gk., syntelias tou aionos, "the total completion of the world/age", vs. 3)
However, when Jesus explained what He meant by the Destruction of the buildings of the Temple complex, He used a different wording than the disciples: "end of the age" (ezei to telos, "coming to an end", vs. 14) There was to be a simple End of a Jewish Age, not the End of the World. A "telos", not a "syntelias".
Proof of Interpretation To show that this is the right interpretation we have Jesus's word on it:
Verily I say to you, in no wise will this generation have passed away until all these things shall have taken place. (Matthew 24:34; see also 23:36)
Every thing mentioned was to take place in that first century generation; that is, the horrific destruction of all Judea, culminating in the surrender of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. This was the ending of an Age in Jewish history.
Fear God As you mentioned, many pastors teach otherwise. It should be considered that it is not because they don't fear God. Most are righteous dudes who try to carry out their ministry for the edifying of the Church. The problem lies in the plethora of teachers in seminaries and in the Church who merely repeat the teaching of John Darby and his erroneous take on the Jewish prophecies that he said was based on a wall of separation between Jew and Gentile. Their continual teaching of this has been a great influence on how pastors preach. This, of course, flies in the face of tons of scriptures that announced that there was no longer any difference since the work of the Cross. (Ephesians 2:11-22!)
End of the World There indeed will be an End of the World in the future. But when it happens we won't be sitting here discussing it! It will be the completion of all things concerning the entire World!