Exodus 33:23 "My face shall not be seen". NKJV.
God says He has a face. At the time of the conversation between God and Moses it shall not be seen, but what about other times and other places?
Matthew 18:10 "for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven".
The Father's face is always seen by angels if not by men.
John 1:18 "No one has seen God at any time".
In John 1:18 Jesus "has declared Him", "Him" being the Father in whose bosom the Son is in. No human has seen the Father in the past [has seen], but that does not tell us what may or may not be seen in the future.
Matthew 17:2 "His face shone like the sun".
At the transfiguration Jesus' face shone like the sun so it was not an ordinary face, but it was a literal face, an actual face, a foretaste of what His face would be like in heaven.
Hebrews 10:5 "But a body you have prepared for me". 10:12 "But this Man".
A real body, a man's body, a body with a face.
Acts 1:11 "This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven".
That body, with its face, went to heaven and is going to come back to earth.
Revelation 22:4 "They shall see His face".
Whether this is the face of Him whom they crucified, or of the Father, there is a face here which belongs to God.
Anthropomophism is attributing human traits to something that is not human. Christ Jesus, the second Adam, is Man and God whether on earth or in Heaven.
Because He is human/man it is not anthroporphism to attribute human traits to Him. He would have to be non-human for that.
With Jesus are human attributes e.g. a face, but also He is God, God beyond all describing.
Edit: To understand "God is spirit" John 4:24, I think we have to look at its context of Jesus explaining to the woman at the well that God can be worshipped anywhere because "God is spirit". i.e. It was not intended as a full definition of who God is.
When Jesus said "God is spirit" His lips moved. Jesus was/is God and these words came out of an actual face.