The Holy Spirit in Acts (all passages in Acts referring to, or specifically related to, the Holy Spirit)
The point to be decided in each passage is whether the reference is to a visitation of the Spirit which empowered miraculous activity, or to an indwelling of the Spirit. We have placed either (empowerment) or (indwelling) after each passage to indicate our preference.
- Acts 1:2. Jesus’ command to preach the gospel universally was inspired by the Holy Spirit. His utterance was prophetic, an oracle, or a divine revelation such as ordinary persons could not speak. (empowerment)
- Acts 1:4. The “promise” here mentioned was the particular prophecy found in Joel 2, as recorded by Luke in Acts 2:17-21. The promise was that God would pour out his Holy Spirit, and that it would fall not merely on eminent persons such as the prophets, the leaders, and the specially chosen (as previously); but even the youth, male and female, servants and masters, would prophesy. Not all in OT days were prophets. But the inauguration of the kingdom would bring to the first generation of Christians widespread empowerment to prophesy and speak by revelation. As a result of the Holy Spirit conferral, wonders and signs would be manifested. (empowerment)
• Acts 1:5, 8. God promised (in accordance with Joel 2) that the apostles would receive empowerment. They would have power in their work of testifying to the gospel. They would manifest prophetic gifts. They would possess confirmatory, extraordinary attesting powers. See also Acts 14:3. (empowerment)
• Acts 1:16. David had the prophetic gift. He was empowered to speak authoritatively by the inspiration of God. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:1-4. The Holy Spirit manifested itself as a sound like a mighty wind, and as tongues like fire. Joel 2 predicted the pouring out of the Spirit on this occasion. The result was to be prophecy, visions, dreams, wonders, and signs. The wind-sound and the fire-like tongues were certainly wonders. The gift of tongues was self-validating prophecy. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:5-12. The gift of tongues is further described. They cause bewilderment, amazement, wonder, and perplexity. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:17-21. Here Peter turns his listeners’ (and Luke turns his readers’) attention specifically to Joel 2, and declares that they are seeing the beginning of its fulfillment. He declares that apostolic empowerment (resulting in widespread prophetic gifts distributed among the early Christians) marks the inauguration of the church-kingdom. The gifts of prophecy, visions, dreams, wonders, and signs are to be widely, “universally” spread in the early church. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:22. Christ himself also was attested by God by mighty works, wonders, and signs. (Cf. 1:8; 10:38). (empowerment)
• Acts 2:25-31. David prophesied. The Spirit is not mentioned. But compare 1:16-20. The prophetic word is an authoritative word. David was empowered to foresee. Such ability is not available to the ordinary religious teacher. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:33. God poured out the Spirit and thus the signs and empowering gift of tongues that were witnessed by the hearers of Peter’s sermon on Pentecost. These extraordinary Holy Spirit manifestations of Pentecost were the fulfillment of Joel 2. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:38-39. This passage, which is so familiar and so important, deserves an extended treatment, which it will get later. It will only be observed briefly that in its context the “promise” is the promise of the Holy Spirit, already identified by 1:4-5; 2:15-21; and 2:33 as the extraordinary gifts (see also the preamble to Acts 1-2 in Luke 24:49). Also notice the curiosity of the future tense in reference to the Spirit. Observe that the eis (for or unto) of 2:38 cannot be assumed to be grammatically construed with the gift of the Holy Spirit. A large number of expositors have therefore correctly identified this promised gift of the Holy Spirit as identical with the previous discussion of extraordinary spiritual empowerment. (empowerment)
• Acts 2:43. The apostles do many wonders and signs as a result of their empowerment by the Holy Spirit (cf. 2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 3:1-12. Peter and John heal the lame man, causing wonder and amazement. This is a result of their empowerment (3:12) with the Holy Spirit (1:8; 2:1-4ff.). The apostolic testimony is confirmed by the miracle (cf. 2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 4:7-12. Peter is filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesies and speaks with authority beyond that of ordinary teachers. This is an expression of the power of the Spirit (4:7). As David and the other prophets of the Old Testament were empowered to speak inspired messages from God, so Peter was likewise endowed. (empowerment)
• Acts 4:16. The healing of the lame man was a sign, a manifestation of power from the Holy Spirit which confirmed the words of the apostles (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 4:25-26. David prophesied. He foresaw. He did something extraordinary, as empowered by the Spirit. See Acts 1:16 above. (empowerment)
• Acts 4:29-33. The apostles pray that they might preach boldly and that their words might be accompanied by healings, signs, and wonders. The apostles are freshly infilled by the Holy Spirit. The infilling is accompanied by an earthquake, a manifestation of divine power. They keep on preaching by inspiration, with authority, with power, and with manifestations (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 5:1-11. The apostle Peter is lied to by Ananias and Sapphira. Peter says they have lied to the Holy Spirit. As a prophet, Peter knows (by revelation) that they have lied. The couple is miraculously struck down by God. Peter is empowered by the Holy Spirit with prophetic insight. Nothing is hidden from the eyes of God. (empowerment)
• Acts 5:12. Additional signs and wonders are done by the apostles—because they have been empowered by the Holy Spirit (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 5:14-16. Peter, even by means of his shadow, heals all who come responsively to the hearing of the gospel. He was empowered by the Holy Spirit. (1:8; 2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 5:19. A sign occurs in which an angel miraculously releases the apostles from prison (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 5:32 (see also p. 65 below). This passage is a reference backward to the special empowerment of the Holy Spirit granted at Pentecost to the apostles. The sense of it is best captured by the Simple English Bible translation: “…The Holy Spirit has shown you that we are telling the truth! God has given the Spirit to those who obeyed him.” Peter is saying that his miraculous release from prison (along with other signs and wonders) was confirming testimony by the Holy Spirit to the resurrection of Christ—a result of the extraordinary empowerments of the Holy Spirit given at Pentecost. There is no mention of (water) baptism. The reception of the Spirit referred to here is not to any ordinary indwelling, but to the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit (cf. Alexander, 1:229-230). (empowerment)
• Acts 6:3, 5, 10. The similarity of language in verses 3, 5, and 10 suggests that in all three passages the import of the reference to the Spirit should be similar. Why should one think of miraculous gifts here? There are three reasons. First, the phrase “full of the Spirit” occurs in verses 3 and 5. This reminds one of the extraordinary endowment mentioned in Acts 2:4 (see also the paragraphs below on “filled with the Spirit,” pp. 23ff). Second, it seems likely that here in Acts 6 there is reference to circumstances in the early history of Israel (Numbers 11:10-30; Exodus 31:1-3; 35:31). Prophetic gifts of the Spirit were conferred among them, making them wise and competent for various tasks. Thus, also, in the early days of the church, new Israel, Spirit-filled men were endowed with special gifts of wise administration. Third, the immediate context references, in connection with these very men, extraordinary manifestations (6:8, 10, 15; 7:51-52, 55-56; 8:4-13). For example, in Acts 6:10, Stephen’s prophetic oracles could not be matched by ordinary human wisdom and eloquence. And Philip is also empowered (Acts 8:6). In Acts 6:5, “faith” is not the ordinary faith, it is an inspired, and thus a true, grasp of the nature of the gospel, especially as it pertained to the universality of the gospel (see Acts 1:2 where it is noted that the Lord’s command to preach universally was inspired by the Holy Spirit). (empowerment)
• Acts 7:51. The resistance of the listeners to the Holy Spirit would appear to be expressed in their rejection of the signs, wonders, and inspired wisdom and preaching as done by Stephen and the apostles. In the same way, the ancestors had rejected the prophetic oracles and signs of the Old Testament prophets. (empowerment)
• Acts 7:55. The Holy Spirit empowers in Stephen a vision of heaven and the glory of God. (empowerment)
• Acts 8:4-13. Philip (one already noted as gifted with the Holy Spirit, 6:5) performs signs, healings and great miracles, along with his preaching. His genuine miracles trump the tricks of Simon (8:13). (empowerment)
• Acts 8:14-24. The “promise” was to all whom the Lord would “call” (2:39); therefore, the apostles are sent to confer the Spirit on the converts of Samaria also. It was the visible gift (8:18), as promised in 2:17ff. The apostles possessed the specific power that Simon coveted, that of conferral of the Spirit (8:19). The Samaritans of this passage were people who had already called on the name of Lord, been baptized, and been saved. Now they need the special prophetic gifts in order that they themselves might preach by inspiration, and that they might also validate the gospel by signs performed among those whom they evangelize. This will further confirm the arrival of the age of salvation in Jesus Christ. Simon saw manifestations of special gifts. The apostles had power to confer prophetic gifts. (empowerment)
• Acts 8:26-40. Philip, a Spirit-filled man, receives prophetic guidance in his evangelistic outreach. An angel spoke to Philip, as did the Spirit. When there is a reference to extraordinary gifts and events, the role of Spirit seems to merge with that of angels. (empowerment)
• Acts 8:39. This is a reference to miraculous translocation, similar to certain events in the OT (2 Kings 2:11-17). (empowerment)
• Acts 9:10-16. Ananias receives a vision (2:19). He is told to go and perform a miracle of healing. One may presume that Ananias is a recipient of the Holy Spirit empowerment according to the promise (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 9:17-19. Ananias lays hands on Saul, and Saul is healed. The most natural reading of the text leads one to believe that Ananias performs an apostolic function in conferring the Holy Spirit on Saul. Ensuing events show that afterward Saul also possessed extraordinary Holy Spirit power. (empowerment)
• Acts 9:31. The early church was comforted by the Holy Spirit. How? Presumably by the inspired prophecies, visions, signs, and wonders which were prevalent in its midst empowered by the Holy Spirit. Hackett quotes DeWette’s explanation: “The power of consolatory discourse conferred by the Spirit on those who preached” (1882, p. 126). If one is forced, due to the brevity of the reference, to fall back on the wider context of Acts as a whole, it surely favors a reference to manifestations of special gifts and prophetic utterances (2:17ff). By these empowerments the early church was comforted. It is conceivable that Luke has Isaiah 63:14 in mind: “Like cattle that go down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord gave them rest. So thou didst lead thy people, to make for thyself a glorious name.” The church was comforted and encouraged by the manifestations of special gifts and by the prophetic messages which came to the church through the Spirit. (empowerment)
• Acts 9:32-43. Peter had been empowered by the Holy Spirit (2:1ff). He heals Aeneas. He raises Dorcas from the dead. (empowerment)
• Acts 10:9-16; 11:4-10; 15:7. Peter experiences a vision in connection with the one Cornelius had (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 10:19-23; 11:12. Peter receives a revelation from the Holy Spirit in coordination with the visit from the messengers of Cornelius (2:17ff). Acts 10:19 references a prophetic message given by the Spirit to guide Peter. (empowerment)
• Acts 10:38. The Lord was attested above all others by the prophetic powers he possessed. (empowerment)
• Acts 10:44-48; 11:15-17; 15:8. The house of Cornelius receives the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and they begin to speak in tongues as at Pentecost. The salvation comes afterward, when they are baptized in the name of the Lord. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:1-18. See the comments on passages in Acts 10 above. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:12. See above, on Acts 10:19. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:15-16. See above on 10:44-47 and Acts 1-2. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:17 (NASB). The apostles, who had come to a true and faithful conviction about Jesus, received the Spirit at Pentecost, and manifested that in tongues and other signs. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:24. See comments on 6:3ff. above, on “filled with the Spirit.” Barnabas was inspired by the Holy Spirit so that he might proclaim a true perception of the faith—that it was to be universally available. See also the Seven in Acts 6. (empowerment)
• Acts 11:27-28. Agabus prophesies. Apparently he had received prophetic Holy Spirit gifts as promised in 2:17ff. Agabus was one of those many persons in the early church endowed with the gift of prophecy. (empowerment)
• Acts 12:7-11. Peter is released from prison through a miracle. See also Acts 2:19. (empowerment)
• Acts 12:23. Herod is smitten dead. See also Acts 2:19. (empowerment)
• Acts 13:1-4. The four prophets (Acts 2:17ff) of Antioch receive a revelation from the Holy Spirit. (empowerment)
• Acts 13:9-12. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, Paul strikes Elymas blind, and causes astonishment. Paul manifests the empowerment of the Spirit. (empowerment)
• Acts 13:52. See comments on 6:3ff. above, on “filled with the Spirit.” See also the comments on 9:31 and the note below, on page 24, on the Disciples of Pisidian Antioch. (empowerment)
• Acts 14:3. Paul and Silas spoke the gospel, while the Lord bore witness to the word, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands (Acts 2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 14:8-18. Paul heals (2:17ff) the crippled man at Lystra. It causes amazement. (empowerment)
• Acts 14:19-20. (No reference to Spirit here. Included for the sake of completeness). If a miracle is intended, it is not likely a resurrection. Such an event as a resurrection would surely merit more comment by Luke. Possibly it was an example of divine protection, so that the falling stones did no real damage. The early Christians were able to distinguish between real miracles and merely fortuitous events. Absent from the account here are any words such as Spirit, miracle, sign, wonder, amazement, etc.
• Acts 15:7-9. See above on Acts 10. God does not base decisions on favoritism to Jews versus Gentiles. He made clear that the Gentiles were equally eligible for salvation by sending prophetic gifts upon them. See Acts 10:44-47. (empowerment)
• Acts 15:12. Barnabas and Paul relate accounts of the miracles performed through them (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 15:28. The Holy Spirit continues to guide the early church into the universal mission through inspired men such as the apostles (15:4, 8, 12; 2:1-4, 17ff). The early church was widely gifted with prophetic guidance. (empowerment)
• Acts 16:6-10. The Holy Spirit guides the outreach of the church by visions and oracles (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 16:18. Paul heals by the Holy Spirit power given to him (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 16:25-30. Paul and Silas are miraculously released from prison (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 18:9-10. Paul receives a vision from the Lord (cf. 2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 19:1-7. Paul knows that the twelve disciples of Ephesus, if they are believers, are eligible to receive the Holy Spirit gifts (2:38-39). He doesn’t know if an apostle has been there to confer those gifts. When he discovers that they had not even heard that the Holy Spirit had been poured out at Pentecost, he knows something is amiss with their faith. Following their conversion, Paul confers the Holy Spirit on them (2:17ff), and they are empowered with extraordinary gifts. (empowerment)
• Acts 19:11-12. Paul performs miracles at Ephesus (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 19:21. This is not a reference to the Holy Spirit, but to Paul’s spirit. (empowerment)
• Acts 20:9-12. Paul performs a miracle of resurrection (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 20:22. This not a reference to the Holy Spirit, but to Paul’s spirit. (empowerment)
• Acts 20:23. Prophets in the various cities, informed by the Holy Spirit, warn Paul of upcoming events (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 20:28. The Holy Spirit, by means of prophetic utterance, pointed out men for the eldership. See also Acts 13:1-3 where prophets in the early church pointed by inspiration to certain individuals to be selected for service. (Cf. Conley, Acts) (empowerment)
• Acts 21:4. Prophets, by the Spirit, warn Paul of coming events (2:17ff). See Acts 20:23. (empowerment)
• Acts 21:11. Agabus warns Paul, by the Spirit, of future events (2:17ff). See Acts 20:23. (empowerment)
• Acts 22:6-15. Paul sees a vision. He hears a divine voice, and receives divine instructions (cf. 2:17ff). See above on 9:3-9. (empowerment)
• Acts 22:17-21. Paul receives divine revelations (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 23:9. Luke places in the mouths of the Pharisees the possibility (which was in fact the truth) that Paul had received revelations from the Spirit (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 23:11. Paul receives divine revelations (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 26:12-22. See above on 9:3-9; 22:6-15. (empowerment)
• Acts 27:23-25. Paul receives a prophetic revelation (2:17ff). (empowerment)
• Acts 28:25. The authority of a prophet is the divine authority of the Holy Spirit. The early church received the same divine power (2:17ff). (empowerment)
As one can see from this survey, the role of the Spirit in Acts is that of prophetic empowerment. It is the exclusive role of the Spirit in Acts. If one looks at the 55 specific references to the Holy Spirit in Acts, less than 5 or 6 of them seem even remotely like Paul’s doctrine of the indwelling, sanctifying Spirit. But each of these few contested passages is more reasonably interpreted consistent with the defining reference to the Spirit in Acts 1:8, you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and with the predominating certain references to the empowerment of the Spirit found throughout Luke and Acts.
Luke therefore concentrates his attention entirely on the prophetic Holy Spirit, the fulfillment of the Joel 2 prophecy. When this is recognized, it will help identify the nature of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
I could add a lot more upon request.