I am not a bilblical scholar, but believe this makes sense. I am a 20+ year ethical vegan.
References? The Bible tells us about what we are supposed to consume in early Genesis. The Bible also mentions the "giants", the offspring of the fallen angels. We are clearly told in Genesis that plant foods are "meat" for us.
Meat refers to solid foods, not animal flesh and blood. God created all, we are all Gods' children and God loves us all. It does not make sense to provide us with Gods' children so we can betray their trust, slit their throats while they suffer, and consume the dead. How did we consume flesh and blood in the first place?.
The watchers, the fallen angels, mated with human women against Gods' wishes. Their hybrid offspring, the Nephilim, had 6 fingers and 6 toes, were huge and had voracious appetites. Plants did not satisfy them so they ate non-human animals and human animals as well. They taught humans to do things God never wanted us to know; how to forge iron and make weapons of war, how to kill, make fire, slaughter, cook, and eat animals. Before they taught this to us we were all raw plant eaters and vegans. These awful habits and hybrid entities were the reason for the Great flood. These habits polluted humanity. But, not all hybrids were killed, many remained, and humanity has been eating a violent diet and destroying the world ever since. It is considered by some to be a luciferian diet of eating the dead. This video helps to explain this Biblical-vegan perspective further.