What is the 'me' in "masoretic text me" in the NIV note on Psalms 22:16?


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1 Answer 1


The NIV footnote is simply stating that after the word “me,” “most manuscripts of the Masoretic text” read “like a lion.” The word “me” is actually in all manuscripts, as it is indicated by the pronominal suffix (-ni) at the end of the word הִקִּיפוּנִי (hikkifuni)—“encircle/enclose me,” which all manuscripts have. The actual textual variant is כארו v. כארי, “they dug” (or “pierced”) v. “like a lion.”

  • ah that must be it, they're saying most manuscripts after the word "me", have 'like a lion'. I wouldn't say it's after "me,”(comma in quotes) though since that screenshot shows a semicolon after me. like "me;" So perhaps where you wrote The NIV footnote is simply stating that after the word “me,” you should have said The NIV footnote is simply stating that after the word “me” And where you wrote “encircle/enclose me,” you should have written “encircle/enclose me” ?
    – barlop
    Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 9:09
  • 2
    @barlop: I'm assuming Der Übermensch is following the American convention of writing commas and periods inside quotation marks even when they're not actually part of the quoted text. In any case, note that the Hebrew text has no such punctuation; it's inserted purely at the translator's discretion. Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 9:57
  • @IlmariKaronen yeah I know the manuscripts don't include any such punctuation/diacritical marks. And neither does the translation here, So yeah I guess you're right that Der is using a (I think bizarre) american convention. of writing punctuation into quotation marks that aren't there in the (translation) text!
    – barlop
    Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 10:19

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