In Nehemiah 10, the people made the decision that "they will not give their daughters to the peoples of the land or take the peoples of the land's daughters for their sons" (v.30), and that they will now "keep the sabbaths" (v.31). The chapter concludes with the statement: "Thus we will not neglect the house of our God" (v.39)
Yet, in chapter 13, Nehemiah restores the sabbath (v.15 ff), and he makes the people swear (again?) to "not give the daughters to their sons, nor take of their daughters for the sons or for yourselves." (v.25) In verse 11, Nehemiah asks "Why is the house of God forsaken?"
So, chapter 13 adresses the three main points of the resolution of chapter 10.
Does chapter 13 depict a situation that is chronologically after chapter 10? This would indicate that the people quickly forgot their resolution and Nehemiah hat to fight yet again for these points.
Or does rather chapter 13 depict the situation chronologically before chapter 10 that then lead to chapter 10's resolution?