Galatians 5:10 seems to have fairly separate meanings in modern translations
The NIV says that Paul is "confident in the Lord" that the Galatians will stay away from false teachings. I understand this to mean that the Lord has made Paul confident of this fact.
Galatians 5:10 (NIV)
10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty.
The NLT, however, says that it is God who will keep the Galatians from false teachings.
Galatians 5:10 (NLT)
10 I am trusting the Lord to keep you from believing false teachings. God will judge that person, whoever he is, who has been confusing you.
The wording is a bit confusing, but I think NASB seems to agree with NIV.
Galatians 5:10 (NASB)
10 I have confidence in you in the Lord that you will adopt no other view; but the one who is disturbing you will bear his judgment, whoever he is.
So the NLT seems to put an emphasis on God's action in actually keeping the Galatians from false teachings, while the NIV/NASB only put emphasis on God's action in giving Paul confidence that the Galatians will stay away from false teaching.
From the New Living Translation page on Wikipedia:
[The NLT strives to] convey the thoughts behind the text where a literal translation may have been difficult to understand or even misleading to modern readers. It has been suggested that this "thought-for-thought" methodology, while making the translation easier to understand, is less accurate than a literal (formal equivalence) method, and thus the New Living Translation may not be suitable for those wishing to undertake detailed study of the Bible
So is this an example of the NLT being "less accurate" than a literal translation (like the NASB), or is this an example of the NLT conveying original "thoughts behind the text", where a literal translation is actually "misleading to modern readers"?