Jesus wasn’t perfect he too sinned. He got angry at the olive tree for not bearing fruit out of season. He ate food without washing hands which was part of Yahweh commands to do so and Jesus breaks this along with the fact that he lied to his disciples and broke the sabbath. Jesus being perfect is out of the question. He failed to be the messiah this he unintentionally lied which is still a lie.
False Messiah He failed the criteria, bloodline, role and mission of the promised Jewish messiah
False God Man made him into god and we don’t have the words, deeds and thoughts of anyone called Yeshua during the first century
False Teacher His teaching will make you poor, starving to death, a follower of a cult, homeless, makes you abandon your loved ones and friends, maimed, mutilated and ignorant in reality
False Sin Sacrifice Human sacrifice was never needed for god to forgive anyone of their sins
False King/Lord He was mocked at the cross as the king of the Jews yet he ruled no one not on earth or in heaven as he didn’t have the bloodline of the Jewish kings and he was a slave of the Greco Roman Empire
False leader Under his leadership his followers stayed ignorant of his true intentions and they died as none was protected
False path to God His way to God was limited and it made what was already easy harder
False prophet He failed the prophecy about the coming messiah and his own to return during his disciples’ time
False Last Adam The first Adam died and him being the last makes no sense because there are still humans existing and he wasn’t created in the garden but in the womb like every human being. He didn’t make man become immortal in the flesh or spiritually
False Redeemer He didn’t redeem his peopel from tehir enemies
False Prince of Peace He came to bring, hatred, war, famine, division and a sword
False Shepard He didn’t guide the lost tribes back to god he basically failed to do so
False High Priest He was never made a priesst at all. Paul made tht all up
False Hopem His hope caused many to sin and stay in their sins
False Savior Only HaShem is the true savior of any man according to the Tanakh - Jewish Bible
False Preacher His doctrine will make you Broke, Naked, Homesless, Prosecuted, Tempted by ”God” himself, Hate your family (father, mother, spouse, children, brother, sister and your own self), Maim any body parts that “sins”, Divide families, make your enemies become your own family, Rejoice at insults, persecution, and false claims made by your enemies, to be Non Resistant to evil done to you, You a push over, You give in court more than you are sued for. All that to follow a non existence being