I’d like to present a simple answer here. When we read John 9, we see that when Jesus healed a blind man, he was asked a question. “[paraphrase] Rabbi, whose fault is it that he is blind? Is it his fault? His parents fault?” And Jesus told them, “Neither!” And explained to them that this man was blind all these years, just waiting for that very moment when God would display his glory by healing the man’s blindness.
I think many of us spend too much effort trying to “pin down” God’s patterns and intentions, when his mind is too vast for us. Then we argue with each other from the standpoint of our human understanding, and God is on an entirely different level. As a matter of fact, the i yonly way we CAN know his intent is if he reveals it. Scripture indicates this. My answer to this question is “Lord, your name be praised; you give, you take away, who can fathom your ways? You are Holy.” I hope this helps someone.