(4) Perhaps Nahum Sarna is on the right track to suggest that the definiteness of the construct phrase for days six and seven might be due to emphasize these culminating days of creation. I also suggest that perhaps style could explain the choice of the definite construct phrase rather than the definite adjectival phrase. Notice that seven of the eleven adjectiveיום ה verses cited above are considered to be from P: Gen 1:31; 2:3; Ex 12:15, 18; Lev 14:57; 19:6; 22:27. (Ex 20:20 // Deut 5:14 might also be from a priestly editorial hand.) And one of the four adjectiveה nounהadjectiveהיום ה verses is considered to be from P: Num 6:12. Thus at least for the word yom there could potentially be asome preference in P for the adjectiveיום ה construction where a definite preposition is not used. JustPerhaps there are certain contextual factors that play a thoughtrole in this choice. It might be interesting to research adjectiveה noun and adjectiveה nounה phrases further to see if there might be a pattern in their usage. It is also possible that depending on the context there is not much difference to the author and it just so happens that one is chosen over the other. Perhaps another factor to consider is diachrony. Just some thoughts.